With conference just a few days away it feels like Thanksgiving was aaaaaaggggeees ago but I thought I'd still share with you my table decor. Now I took these when the table wasn't quite set (some plates were still in the dishwasher) and it was too dark to take good pics when we finally sat down to eat but just imagine an incredible meal...mmmmm turkey

Now for the tips...

I'm no pro but this is what I learned:

  • Try to get as much done the night (and nights) before. I spray painted the leaves two days before and worked on the names the night before. So glad I did, as they took forever!
  • One of my friends suggested having appies out before the meal and that worked great. James made a massive board as you can see above and people did nibble on it while we waited for food to be ready.
  • Do it potluck style because seriously, you do not need to kill yourself cooking a massive meal for 15 people.
  • Try to save the cleaning for when the guests leave. Now we defs failed in this one we did a lot of cleaning during the meal and didn't get to sit and enjoy our family as much as I wanted to. As sucky as it would have been to be cleaning the kitchen till midnight, I'd take that if it meant more time laughing and chatting with family.

Those are my tips, but I know I could learn some from you! What are your tips for hosting a big dinner party?




Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte

So I have this thing with PSLs (Pumpkin Spice Lattes). I'm OBSESSED with them in September (by the first week of September I think I had consumed at least 4 of them...)

But then October comes around and I'm back to my plain old soy lattes. It may have something to do with the fact that they're kinda chemical tasting or the fact that I was a little too eager beaver or who knows maybe my taste buds have changed!

A couple weeks back I decided to make my own PSL and let me tell was pretty wonderful...actually it was real good, like REAL GOOD with real ingredients. It doesn't take a lot of effort to make it and it doesn't take a ton of time...(It takes about the same time as it does to get to Starbucks, wait in line, order your drink and then receive your drink and it's a fraction of the cost!)



  • 2 tbsp Spiced Pumpkin Mix (recipe)
  • 1 cup milk (homo milk is best but go for 2% if you don't wanna go all out)
  • 2 shots espresso


  • Heat up Spiced Pumpkin Mix in a sauce pan over medium heat. Be careful not to burn it!
  • Steam milk in frother, milk steamer or in a sauce pan then add the heated up Spiced Pumpkin Mix and give it a good mix.
  • Pour your espresso shots into mug.
  • With a spoon protecting the foam, pour your milk carefully into your mug over a mesh sieve. This is pivotal to get any unwanted pumpkin-y chunks out. 
  • Add the foam and then sprinkle some Pumpkin Pie Spice on top.
  • Enjoy!

Voila! A real good tasting PSL! And the sweet thing about making the Spiced Pumpkin Mix is that you can add it to so many things. I've mixed some into vanilla ice cream to make pumpkin vanilla ice cream and next I want to try mixing it into oatmeal.

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte

Well there you have it, your very own homemade PSL. Let me know how you like it :)


Happy Wednesday! Half way through the week hooray!




Good morning! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Yesterday I accomplished the big task of having 15 people at the dinner table! It actually wasn't that bad (James was a champ and helped so much) with everyone bringing a dish or two and my incredible sister Rosalyn championed the clean up (love you!!) It was so great to spend time with family. I'm so thankful for them.

So today I have a little recipe for you....Pumpkin Pie Spice. I've made a ton of recipes that call for Pumpkin Pie Spice (like this one and this one!). Now in good ol America, you can find Pumpkin Pie Spice in the aisles of your local grocery store but here in Canada you cannot. I remember getting super frustrated a few years back when I couldn't find that or all spice in any of the grocery stores I went to but then I realized I could just make it...crisis adverted, I could make my pumpkin cream cheese muffins!

And tomorrow we'll be putting this spice to use as I show you how I make my homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte!



  • 2 tbsp Cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp Ground Ginger
  • 1 1/2 tsp Nutmeg
  • 1 1/2 tsp Ground Cloves


  • Place all ingredients in small bowl. Whisk together then place in a sealed container.


DIY Pumpkin Pie Spice

So incredibly easy. You can put this spice on so many things...porridge, lattes, ice cream, creative!

Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday, I'll be back tomorrow with the recipe for homemade Pumpkin Spice Lattes!!!

