/With conference just a few days away it feels like Thanksgiving was aaaaaaggggeees ago but I thought I'd still share with you my table decor. Now I took these when the table wasn't quite set (some plates were still in the dishwasher) and it was too dark to take good pics when we finally sat down to eat but just imagine an incredible meal...mmmmm turkey

Now for the tips...
I'm no pro but this is what I learned:
- Try to get as much done the night (and nights) before. I spray painted the leaves two days before and worked on the names the night before. So glad I did, as they took forever!
- One of my friends suggested having appies out before the meal and that worked great. James made a massive board as you can see above and people did nibble on it while we waited for food to be ready.
- Do it potluck style because seriously, you do not need to kill yourself cooking a massive meal for 15 people.
- Try to save the cleaning for when the guests leave. Now we defs failed in this one we did a lot of cleaning during the meal and didn't get to sit and enjoy our family as much as I wanted to. As sucky as it would have been to be cleaning the kitchen till midnight, I'd take that if it meant more time laughing and chatting with family.
Those are my tips, but I know I could learn some from you! What are your tips for hosting a big dinner party?