Can I tell you a secret?
Well, it's not really a secret and if you really know me, you probably know this. I am the WORST thrifter. I just can't do thrift stores. You know those people who find the most amazing things every time they go thrifting? Well, I did not get that anointing.
Seriously, I get waaaay too overwhelmed in thrift stores and the smell drives me crazy. I love the idea of recycling clothes, I just never can find stuff that fits me or looks good!
But consignment I can do....especially kid's consignment! Do you know how many clothes these tiny people go through? A LOT! I was just talking to James how unfair it is that babies grow up sooo quickly (we were chatting how London will be standing up and then walking later this year!!!) Why didn't God make the baby stage two years?!! But regardless of my opinion, they go through clothes very quickly. So one of my favourite places to find clothing for my babies is at my local consignment store. I have found such amazing numbers for my babes and I highly recommend consigning if you haven't done it before!
Consignment tips:
Stick to the same consignment store. I know what you're probably thinking...why would I do that when my chances of finding gems is higher if I go to different places!? But the thing're a mom...your time is precious and you don't have all the time in the world to hunt through a bajillion consignment stores! Also, when you start bringing in your own stuff, you'll build credit at that store, and it has more value in the store than cashing out!
If you're in Victoria, I highly reccomend Thistle & Wren in Fernwood. The owner Candace, is sooo lovely and they only take good brands so you'll always find something great!Make a list of what you need before you arrive. Yes, it's fun to go nuts on kids clothing but it can add up! So before I go, I make note of what I need. The last time I went I made sure to look for a windbreaker for Luca and cozy pants for London. (In the top photo, you can see that I found what I needed...Columbia windbreaker and Zara leggings!)
Establish a colour palette. If you want to set your hubby up for success when dressing your babe, this is a MUST, ha. Honestly, if you only have certain colour clothes, you will find that you will get a lot more wear out of the clothes because everything goes together! For London, I usually try to only buy- black, white, cream, denim, rose, light pinks and grey.
Buy a size larger than you need. Ok, this may be a given but definitely buy pants one size up for babies because you'll get way longer wear out of them. Once they're toddlers, you kinda need to shop in their size but you can getaway with larger t-shirts, sweatshirts and jackets! Remember, these tiny humans grow QUICKLY!
Do you love consigning or are you more of a thrifter?