Baby girl is officially half a year old!!! I really, truly cannot believe it. The past six months have been a complete whirlwind and I'm really hoping time will slow down so I can enjoy some time with my baby before she turns ONE!


WEIGHT: 17lbs girl gained almost 3lbs since her last weigh in at 4 months! Her thigh rolls are seriously amazing!
We started her on solids at 5 months and she has fallen in love with food! 
I looked back on Luca's 6 month chart and he weighed 17.7..almost exactly the same!

HEIGHT: 26.5 inches...grew about two inches over the past two months. She's in the 85th % for height, so she's on the taller side but she has tiny feet!

WEARS: She's just started to grow out of her 3-6 month sad :( But I have a lot of fun 6-12 numbers! I cannot wait for warmer weather to dress her in all her cute little dresses and rompers. How darling is the little romper she's wearing above? And how gorgeous is this little white dress? Shopping for a baby girl is seriously addicting!!

SLEEPS: Okay so from month 4-6 she was still waking up 1x a night somewhere between 4-6am...and some nights she would wake up twice (when dada forgot to put her in a night time diaper...) BUT last night she slept 6:45pm-6:45am STRAIGHT!!! So I'm realllly hoping she will continue that 12 hour straight thang and we won't have to night wean her. 

She is still fully sleep trained (goes down wide awake and puts herself to sleep) and we started to do a bottle before bed so she wouldn't be dependant on mama to put her to sleep. She finally started taking the bottle like a champ last month! She obvs prefers mama but she will drink some expressed milk/formula (between 2-4oz)...which makes me so happy because I can go out and not worry!

She loves THIS bottle best but still uses this one too.

She is a champion napper. In the past two months the only nap she has refused has been the last cat nap so we dropped that one. She sleeps for at least an hour for her morning and 1.5 hours for her afternoon nap. Honestly, I am soooo thankful she's been such a great napper. I've managed to overlap her and Luca's nap so I usually get about 1.5 hours to myself in the afternoon...which is GLORIOUS!!!!!!! 

Here's her new sleep schedule:
7am wake up nurse play eat breakfast
8:45am nap 1 (1-1.5 hours)
10:15am wake up nurse play go out eat lunch
12:45pm nap 2 (1.5-2.15 hours)
3:00pm wake up nurse play go out
5:00pm nurse dinner play
6:20pm bottle then bedtime routine
6:45/7pm bed

She's actually doing pretty well with the four hour wake time before bed! My goal is to stretch her a bit more during lunch to a 3 hour wake time.

HIGHS: Oh man, so many! Feeding her food for the first time was so awesome. She devoured it, just like her big bro did when he first had it! I guess we make good eaters, ha. She still lights up whenever Luca glances at her. He is her absolute favourite person (despite him trying to push her :( 

LOWS: The only low for me has been getting up to night feed her but honestly it's not that bad! She is such a happy baby. I was just telling my bestie tonight how full of joy she is. She rarely cries. She screams when we don't feed her fast enough and when she wakes up but it's more like HEY MA COME GET ME! 

PARENTING: She's such an easy baby if I stick with her schedule! She needs food, sleep and cuddles which sounds like the good life!! She's now sitting up and when she's on her tummy, she's starting to push her bum up...I'm not ready for her to start crawling!!! Our house is 100% baby proof but now I gotta watch for tiny things Luca leaves around!

Speaking of Luca, he's reallllllly testing my patience these days. All of a sudden he started pushing London :( He was so good with her, and I know it could be a phase but please send me your toddler tips!!! It just breaks my heart because she just ADORES him.

POSTPARTUM: Well I started BBG strong but then had a number of days where James was either working alot or working on church album or both which meant by the end of the night I was just tooo tired to function! I've cut sweets out until NYC and that has made a difference (down 3lbs) BUT I still want to get back on BBG next week when things aren't as hectic!

LOOKING FORWARD TO: NYC IN MAY!!!!! I honestly get giddy just thinking about the adventures we'll have....and only taking care of one child for 5 days, lols. Obviously we will miss Luca soooo much but we're very excited to create special memories with London, where she will have our full attention. This trip is going to be such a blessing!! And obvs can't wait to see my bro and sis in law!! Send us your NYC recommendations please!

I just adore you my London girl.
