/Okay so here we go again with these bump updates! This pregnancy has been completely different than my last but I'm sure it has to do with the fact that I'm chasing a little lion around all day so I don't have time to soak it all in but thus is life!
How far along are you?
Just over 16 weeks! Baby is due in October and man this pregnancy is moving along QUICKLYYYY...which I imagine must be quite common for second time mamas.
How big is baby?
Baby is the size of a dill pickle...just over 4.5 inches long! When I first found out I was pregnant, this little babe was just a tiny tomato seed!!! Pregnancy always make me marvel at how amazing God is.
I have a feeling this babe is going to keep us on our toes! At our appointment last week baby was moving all over the place making it hard for our doctor to time its sweet heartbeat! It finally paused and we got the reading of 150 bpm.
I'm feeling pretty good! The first trimester was pretty rough with constant nausea, a bout of the flu, and lots of exhaustion. Thankfully the little Lion sleeps like an angel and I get full night's sleep and a nap if I need it, ha.
I've been feeling the occasional movement and kick and that has been so amazing. Those movements (and my growing baby) keep reminding me that I'm carrying a baby, which is easy to forget when you have a 10 month old ha.
Food love:
Hmmmm I want chocolate all the time but that is not new at all. I don't think I've had any specific cravings yet but I'm looking forward to them!
Food hate:
Again, this time around I wanted nothing to do with cheesy esque things in the first trimester. Now, I'm pretty good except for this one butternut squash crockpot we made. I HATED IT despite James, my international student and Auntie Coco loving it! Luca was on my side though, ha.
I've been doing some prenatal stretching/pilates/yoga videos and they have been great. Also trying to get out for walks! Sadly because of my weak pelvic floor (TMI I KNOW), I can't go running but I'm trying to do some power walks and hopefully we'll get that fixed postpartum.
This pregnancy I started out 10-ish lbs heavier than I was when I got pregnant with Luca. I'm really hoping to gain between 25-35 lbs (I gained 45 with Luca!) BUT I'm not going to beat myself up about it. So far I've gained about 5 lbs.
Below is a photo of me pregnant with Luca on the left at 14.5 weeks and with #2 at 16 weeks. Funny how the belly has POPPED so quickly!
Hello maternity jeans! #noshame Why would I wear anything else? (Oh, except for my joggers and lulus ha)
What I'm looking forward to:
I go back to work in just over a week and I'm excited to get back in the swing of things! I know it will be an adjustment without being with my baby all day but hey, we'll get to do it all again come October! Also excited for the ultrasound in a few weeks....BOY OR GIRL !!! weeeee!