/Morning sickness. You hear about it before you get pregnant but you don’t really understand it until you are the thick of it…and it SUCKS…oh ya and it is not just in the morning, don’t let the name fool you!
And I don’t even have it that bad. If you suffer from Hyperemesis Gravidarum, I feel for you mama. My sister suffered from it through her first pregnancy and I’ve seen others suffer from it horribly. If that is your case, please contact your doctor and get on the correct medication.
I was very lucky with my first pregnancy, barely any nausea and no puking. With my second, my nausea got worse but honestly I can’t remember much because I was still on maternity leave with my 8 month old son, ha (#twoundertwo).
But this third pregnancy. Oh my gosh. My nausea was the worst it’s been. All day nausea from 4 weeks to 16 weeks and throughout a hot summer…while working and also taking care of my 2 + 3 year olds! NOT FUN.
Since this is my LAST pregnancy, I wanted to compile a list for all you mamas suffering…this is what worked for me but also what worked for a whole bunch of mamas. I asked mamas on instagram and they delivered!
Pregnancy Morning Sickness Remedies:
My first encouragement to any mama suffering from morning sickness is to get a prescription for Diclectin (I believe in the states they call it Diclegis!) If you can’t get into your doctor for a few weeks, don’t suffer. Book an online appointment or get to a walk in. Honestly, if you have regular morning sickness, this will help. But also be aware that it makes you REAL tired.Snacks Snacks Snacks
It gets worse on an empty tummy, so make sure you are having little meals and snacks at all times throughout the day! I even kept plain cheerios at my bedside table when I woke up in the night feeling gross. Make sure you eat RIGHT away when you wake up. Don’t let your blood sugar get low or else you feel worse!Plain toast/Cereal
Salted Crackers
Ginger Chews
Taking pre-natals at night instead of the morning
Stop taking Iron
For me, iron made it worse, so I stopped taking iron until 20 weeks and I also took gummy prenatals which don’t have iron.Lemon water/Lemonade
This one helped me a lot! I remember buying sooo many lemons this pregnancy and drinking lemon water or lemonade throughout the entire day.Peppermint oil/candy
Preggo Pops/hard candy
Shot of Apple Cider Vinegar
Vitamin B6
Graham Crackers
I wore them but honestly I don’t know if they were making any difference. Maybe a teensy bit but I wouldn’t count on it!Acupuncture
Ice + ice water
Crisp COLD Green Grapes
These helped me a lot!Chips- corn chips and plain chips
Honestly my greatest relief was sleep! I would go to bed as early as possible to sleep off the nausea.
If you’re suffering from pregnancy nausea, I’m so sorry mama. It’s horrible but know, it will pass!!! Soon enough (if you don’t suffer from HG) you’ll hit second trimester and it will just kinda fade away!
If you have another remedy that’s not on this list, let me know!