/Oh pregnancy hormones. They are a real thing. Maybe not for everyone, maybe some people are completely calm and the same as before...but that's not me. Sure, there are some days I feel like myself but then there are other days/moments when I'm not feeling like that at all....and don't get me wrong, BTB (before the bump) Laura wasn't always chill. I definitely had many moments of madness but man, this preggers thing seems to bring a lot more moments of madness than moments of calmness.
Today was one of those days where I was highly emotional...(I think a factor may be staying up way past my bedtime to see James play at Sugar last night lol) I was cranky. I was stressed. I was worried. I didn't want to stay in this mood so I laced up my runners and put on my way too tight running jacket and headed to a place I've gone when I needed to clear my mind and hear from God.
I think there is beauty in going to a place that has remembrance. I frequented this oceanside running trail often when James and I lived in our old apartment. In good times, and in really hard times I would run and God would be so kind and gentle with me. Today was the same.
As I ran (at a much slower pace than BTB lols), I was reminded of God's faithfulness. As I looked out to the sea, I remembered how He has met me too many times to count. He's brought us through so much and He won't stop now and even though I'm finding my emotions all over the place, I know that He is greater than my feelings. I will remember this truth when my emotions keep forgetting it. He is good and He is faithful.