bump update!
bump update!

How far along are you?

I'm in my 19th a few days I'll be HALFWAY!! Baby's arrival seems ages away, and I'm totally okay with that, ha.

How big is baby?

Right now baby is the size of a mango (15cm) and in a few days it goes up to the size of a banana (about 25cm)....looks like baby is going to have a big growth spurt!


Pretty great! The tiredness of my first trimester is gone but I find that a good night's rest goes a long way for me. On Friday, I was up watching James play at Sugar until 12:30!! Let's just say, Saturday was a rough day. Sleeping is starting to get uncomfortable. Either I'm waking up 4x a night to go pee or I keep adjusting because my growing tummy is getting uncomfortable....I can't imagine what I'll be in month 9!! 

Food love:

Well my appetite has definitely come back! I'm hungry all the time. I'm loving chips and anything sweet but honestly, I'll eat most things....trying to keep it healthy though!

Food hate:

My aversions have subsided! There's not really anything that turns me off right now...ptL!


I'm still managing to get out for walks, the gym and a run here and there. My pace is much slower but I feel sooo good after exercising so I'm determined to keep doing it.


I bought two pairs of maternity jeans (these ones from topshop and these ones from h&m) over the holidays and they have been total lifesavers!! Honestly, I have way less aches and pains because of them and actually feel good in my clothing. My bump has started to show (instead of the lovely bloat) so I'm starting to wear more fitted clothing!

What I'm looking forward to:

Our ultrasound TOMORROW! We're finding out the gender and I can't wait to let you know...My guess is a boy! What do you think???


Talk to you soon!
