/Yesterday marked James & my two year wedding anniversary! We spent the weekend going off grid at the gorgeous Point no Point resort (just over an hour from Victoria but felt like years away!) No wifi. No cell phone service. Private hot tub overlooking the ocean. It was pure bliss.
I still can't believe it's been two years since we said "I do". I still remember almost every detail from that day.
Waking up at 6am with my bffs. So nervous yet so excited.
Having the best time getting ready. Dancing to get out the jitters.

The quiet ride to the ceremony and the anticipation as we arrived.
Holding my daddy's arm tight as he walked me down the aisle.
Locking eyes on my love, my husband, my future.
Our first kiss in months! ha.
The day went by RIDICULOUSLY FAST. I remember asking for the time sometime during the reception and being so sad when I found out how late it was because I was having so much fun and wanted it to last forever.

Happy two years James peter Liira. Here's to a billion more.
Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.
all photos by ameris.