image by Rachael Alexandra


I had the privilege of preaching at Dream Women (my church's women's ministry) yesterday morning. Sharing the Word of God is always an honour. I'm still boggled that He chooses me to speak His life, encouragement and Word into people's lives but I sure do love doing it. Over the years of speaking I have realized that it's not about me whatsoever. It's about HIM and what He chooses to communicate to His children. 

Anyways, the word He gave me for Dream Women was out of John 11. It originated from an old blog post I wrote back in 2012.

Sometimes, things in life don't always go as we plan...and you know what, that's usually a good thing. 


Here's the post from 2012...

"Just wanted to share something that God dropped on my heart this morning…I was reading the beginning of John 11. Jesus found out how Lazarus was ill and waited two days before departing to see him. I love the way the Message put it, ‘Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus, but oddly, when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed on where he was for two more days.’  Ha, isn’t it funny how we sometimes look at God’s way as “odd”. Love it.

 He told his disciples that Lazarus was asleep and he needed to wake him up. His disciples didn’t get it and…Then Jesus became explicit: “Lazarus died. And I am glad for your sakes that I wasn’t there. You’re about to be given new grounds for believing. Now let’s go to him.” John 11:14-15 MSG

YOU’RE ABOUT TO BE GIVEN NEW GROUNDS FOR BELIEVING jumped off the page right before my eyes. I sat there reading it over and over and over. This is a crazy week for me. We have our girls conference, ILLUMINATE starting on Friday. Many of us have been praying for it, for a long time! We know God is going to move in incredible ways in the girls’ lives. BUT sometimes things don’t always go the way planned…like last year and the flowers.. oh those dang flowers… let me remind you..

At the end of the conference last year we wanted to give the girls each a rose. We ordered the flowers online to save the costs. Well those stinking flowers got held up at the border and would not arrive in time. I found this out Saturday morning and wasslightly, heavily, freaking out. Little did I know, God had it all covered. And in it all he was GIVING ME NEW GROUND FOR BELIEVING… I received a phone call a few hours later from my pastor. A local ministry was donated 66 dozen roses, they didn’t need them so they called my pastor to see if our girls conference wanted them. Yes, you heard right.. 66 DOZEN ROSES. God turned our measly attempt of 100 roses to 792. In that crisis, seeing God go ABOVE & BEYOND most definitely GAVE ME NEW GROUND FOR BELIEVING!"


If Jesus had come as soon as he got word that Lazarus was ill and healed him from the sickness, we would have missed out on the incredible miracle (fyi He raised revived Lazarus from THE DEAD..yah...incredible!!). 

Maybe there is something you've been praying about for awhile, or a circumstance or trial that you're facing and you've started to lose faith. I just want to encourage you to keep hoping, keep trusting, and keep waiting on Jesus. He's going to answer that prayer...maybe not the way you want Him to answer but in His way....which is so much greater and amazing than we could have dreamed of.

If God gave me those 100 roses all those years ago, the girls at Illuminate would have been blessed but God loved us too much to just do that...he gave 792 roses and in turn all of the girls (including me) experienced a great miracle and saw God's crazy, extravagant provision and love. His way was so much better than my way.

He loves us too much to let us just have our own way. Don't fret, don't be anxious. Remember He is at work and He is setting you up to give you NEW GROUNDS FOR BELIEVING.






Well happy Thursday! I have a treat for you beautiful friend Melai is sharing her one word for may remember Melai from last year where she shared about her journey through anxiety and how Christ set her FREE! (Check it out here!!) Melai has such a beautiful heart for the Lord, get ready to be encouraged!!

One word for 2015 // Melai

    “... But REJOICE that your names are written in heaven.” – Luke 10:20 (NIV)

At the beginning of this year, the Lord gave me this one word “REJOICE” along with this Scripture: “Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

I’ve been wanting to write about this, I actually wrote down a couple. But I felt that the Lord wanted me to wait. Until one day, the Holy Spirit told me that I should get my pen and my journal, and reminded of this verse in Matthew 10:19 “…Do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say...”

That day came to pass. I sat down still with my pen and journal, and soon after I finished praying, I started to write. And I was amazed as I kept on writing, for I knew they were not my words, clearly they weren’t mine. My heart cried inside, tears of gratefulness - for all He has done, for all His promises, and for HIS UNFAILING LOVE AND HIS AMAZING GRACE.

This is a declaration:

“…. Not what you do for God but what God does for you – that’s the agenda for rejoicing.” – Luke 10:20 (MSG)

Holy Spirit we invite you, come fill us afresh, come fill us anew, and as we read, let our mouths declare your words of truth. Come Holy Spirit, take over.


I will rejoice in the Lord

For He shepherds me –

He is my Good Shepherd.

Nothing can pluck me out of His hand.


He loves me, and I will always

be mindful of His love for me,

and I will live in reliance

of His faithfulness.


He has been so faithful to me

And I know that He always will-

For His faithfulness reaches to the skies

And His love endures forever.


He is my Good Shepherd.


I can rejoice not only in good times.

It does not depend on my situation.

I can rejoice for my name is written in heaven.


“And it’s all because of God’s amazing grace

Because on Calvary’s mountain

He took my place

 And someday, some glorious morning

 I will see Him face to face

All because of God’s amazing grace.”


My life is in His hands

He told me over and over again

that nothing can separate me from Him

Nothing can pluck me out of Jesus’ hands

For I am His –

He has bought me with His blood - His precious blood.

I can rejoice not for what I can do for God

But what God does for me.

And He has done everything for me.

In fact, He had prepared a place for me –

Up there in heaven, where my mansion is.


The Lord loves me,

And not because of what I do for Him

But because He is love.


I will rest in God’s unchanging love

His promises to me are true

Because He is trustworthy in all His promises

And faithful in everything He does.


This journey of life

That I am walking

I am walking with Jesus –

Jesus walks with me  

And He promise me that

He will always be with me to the very end of the age.

He promised me that He himself will go before me

And He will never leave me not forsake me.


I do not know what is ahead of me

But I know in my heart, and in my spirit

That His Spirit lives in me,

It is not I who lives but Christ lives in me.

The life I live now in the body

I live by faith in the Son of God

Who loved me and gave himself for me.


He who promised me is faithful

And He will do it.


At times, when I cannot smile

Because of the pressures of this world,

I will remember that

My Jesus carries me between His shoulders.

So let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him.

For He shield me all day long.


The Lord had promised me

That He will restore me to health

And heals all my wounds.


And in Jesus,

All the promises of God are yes in Him.

So I say Amen.


I will rejoice in the Lord

For I made a choice to rejoice

To rejoice in the Lord!

Not by might nor by power

But by the Spirit!


All to God be the glory for ever and ever Amen.

Melai One Word for 2015

Thank you Melai for sharing your powerful declaration! You are such an incredible woman of God :)

 Want to read some more one words for 2015? Check out: Kristy //  Sarah // Laura // Our Breakfast

Hope you have a wonderful day,





the loneliness

Well James has been gone one week. 15 sleeps left. I'm doing a lot better this week than last week. It's a weird thing being married. You get very attached to someone...I guess it's the whole becoming one thing. Before I was married, I prided myself on being an independent woman. I didn't need no man! I didn't miss anyone. It was all good in the hood. But fast forward a few years and here I am sitting in my fluffy bathrobe, eating cereal for dinner (sorry babe!) and missing my man.

Don't worry, I'm not falling apart. I'm still here. I'm still well (I'm eating vegetables too, not just cereal!) I still see people A LOT! I just miss him...dearly. And it's getting easier. Me and Coco have our rhythm. She's an excellent spooning partner...except when she wakes me up at 5am scratching the curtains...!

To be honest, the hardest time for me was right before James left. I've never really experienced anxiety like I did in those days. I've been stressed and anxious before but those few days, I felt like I was in a cloud, a dark cloud, with dark scary thoughts. It was very weird as I hadn't really experienced anything like it before. The only thing that seemed to calm me down was reciting Bible verses in my head. 

At the same time, Hillsong United released Prince of Peace off their upcoming album, Empires. My goodness, it came at the perfect time for me.

When Night screams terror, there your voice will roar.

I played this song over and over and over and I knew with all my heart that Jesus, the Prince of Peace was at my side. He was there in the midst of the dark cloud and His voice became louder than the anxiety. 

I don't know where you're at but maybe you are facing some anxiety or fear or terror. My prayer for you is that you would know the Prince of Peace and that He is there for you in the storm. Listen to this song, let His promises wash over you and if you want someone to pray for you, please send me an email ( or comment below. I would love to pray for you.

anxiety relief

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
-John 14:27

Like I said, this week is already better than last week. I'm almost done mourning the death on Grey's Anatomy (still mad about it though, haha!!!), I get to go to Relate Women Conference on Thursday, and I have A LOT of homework to do. And I'm feeling so much peace, thank you Jesus.

stay gold,



Today I have a sweet treat for you. My friend Kristy is sharing her one word for 2015! Thank you for sharing so bravely girrrrl! xo

one word 2015

When I was thinking and asking God about my word for this year I felt as though I was being prepared for followup. Going into last year my world felt like it had crashed around and the word(s) I was given {fear/trust} were bringing me out from under the rumble, allowing me to stand while the dust cleared and settled. 


And now it has... 

Going into this year was 10 times better than the last. I entered 2015 with a sense of excitement and anticipation--much different than the year before. And so many things have happened, so far including the opportunity of sharing publicly my story of my journey from last year, not only once but twice! It's crazy but my mom remembers sitting on the couch with me last year, me probably in tears, questioning why I was going through that, saying to me, "one day you'll have an amazing story to share". (I tell you moms are such a gift, and I'm very thankful for mine!)

So at first I thought my word was 'Dream'.  But as I spent time praying and thinking about it I realized it is REBUILD

Time to rebuild what was lost. Not just people or time but to rebuild me! The word dream fits perfectly in there. To grab hold of dreams that once danced across my mind for myself, for my church, for my family and friends. Now that is a lot of rebuilding to some degree and I know that it's not all going to happen in the space of twelve months and non of it can happen without the first one! 

Rebuilding Kristy - emotionally, physically, spiritually. 

So to start out I signed myself up for a swim club with a triathlon club. (Say what! That's the same thing I asked myself too...). But you know, it felt good! I loved it. And by the end of it I had swum over 1000m in one class. Something I never thought I would be able to say. 

It is time for me to claim back what depression took away from me. And rebuild the journey to the dreams I have and that HE has for me, or discover new ones!

I know I can't go back to the way things were. Things have changed too much, BUT that is what rebuilding is all about. A chance to rebuild into what I want to be, not what I was. It is kind of like rebuilding a home, adding a new skylight here and new flooring (which by the way, you should check out Laura's renos!)  

It's so exciting to think of all the things I had wished and dreamt for in my life and what's crazy is that God's dreams, I know, will blow mine out of the water.  My expectations for God are big this year. I often set them low because of past hurt or disappointment or fear.  BUT I can remember that it's God's dreams, not just mine and seeing what he pulled me out of last year, I can declare that this year is going to be great!

Thank you for reading, thank you Laura for having a place to be brave and write.


one word 2015

Thank you again for sharing Kristy!

Want some more inspiration? Check out these previous one words- Sarah // Laura // Our Breakfast





Happy Easter everyone! I made this print for you to celebrate that Jesus has risen!! (scroll to the bottom to download!) If you're in Victoria and looking for a church to attend, I want to personally invite you to Glad Tidings- check our instagram for service times. Let me know if you're coming!


He is risen.

Death was defeated.

Love conquered all.

The veil was torn.

He has invited us in.




Hope you have a great rest of the long weekend and hope that it's filled with LOTS of mini eggs!!

