/Well happy Thursday! I have a treat for you beautiful friend Melai is sharing her one word for may remember Melai from last year where she shared about her journey through anxiety and how Christ set her FREE! (Check it out here!!) Melai has such a beautiful heart for the Lord, get ready to be encouraged!!
“... But REJOICE that your names are written in heaven.” – Luke 10:20 (NIV)
At the beginning of this year, the Lord gave me this one word “REJOICE” along with this Scripture: “Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
I’ve been wanting to write about this, I actually wrote down a couple. But I felt that the Lord wanted me to wait. Until one day, the Holy Spirit told me that I should get my pen and my journal, and reminded of this verse in Matthew 10:19 “…Do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say...”
That day came to pass. I sat down still with my pen and journal, and soon after I finished praying, I started to write. And I was amazed as I kept on writing, for I knew they were not my words, clearly they weren’t mine. My heart cried inside, tears of gratefulness - for all He has done, for all His promises, and for HIS UNFAILING LOVE AND HIS AMAZING GRACE.
This is a declaration:
“…. Not what you do for God but what God does for you – that’s the agenda for rejoicing.” – Luke 10:20 (MSG)
Holy Spirit we invite you, come fill us afresh, come fill us anew, and as we read, let our mouths declare your words of truth. Come Holy Spirit, take over.
I will rejoice in the Lord
For He shepherds me –
He is my Good Shepherd.
Nothing can pluck me out of His hand.
He loves me, and I will always
be mindful of His love for me,
and I will live in reliance
of His faithfulness.
He has been so faithful to me
And I know that He always will-
For His faithfulness reaches to the skies
And His love endures forever.
He is my Good Shepherd.
I can rejoice not only in good times.
It does not depend on my situation.
I can rejoice for my name is written in heaven.
“And it’s all because of God’s amazing grace
Because on Calvary’s mountain
He took my place
And someday, some glorious morning
I will see Him face to face
All because of God’s amazing grace.”
My life is in His hands
He told me over and over again
that nothing can separate me from Him
Nothing can pluck me out of Jesus’ hands
For I am His –
He has bought me with His blood - His precious blood.
I can rejoice not for what I can do for God
But what God does for me.
And He has done everything for me.
In fact, He had prepared a place for me –
Up there in heaven, where my mansion is.
The Lord loves me,
And not because of what I do for Him
But because He is love.
I will rest in God’s unchanging love
His promises to me are true
Because He is trustworthy in all His promises
And faithful in everything He does.
This journey of life
That I am walking
I am walking with Jesus –
Jesus walks with me
And He promise me that
He will always be with me to the very end of the age.
He promised me that He himself will go before me
And He will never leave me not forsake me.
I do not know what is ahead of me
But I know in my heart, and in my spirit
That His Spirit lives in me,
It is not I who lives but Christ lives in me.
The life I live now in the body
I live by faith in the Son of God
Who loved me and gave himself for me.
He who promised me is faithful
And He will do it.
At times, when I cannot smile
Because of the pressures of this world,
I will remember that
My Jesus carries me between His shoulders.
So let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him.
For He shield me all day long.
The Lord had promised me
That He will restore me to health
And heals all my wounds.
And in Jesus,
All the promises of God are yes in Him.
So I say Amen.
I will rejoice in the Lord
For I made a choice to rejoice
To rejoice in the Lord!
Not by might nor by power
But by the Spirit!
All to God be the glory for ever and ever Amen.
Thank you Melai for sharing your powerful declaration! You are such an incredible woman of God :)
Want to read some more one words for 2015? Check out: Kristy // Sarah // Laura // Our Breakfast
Hope you have a wonderful day,