/Today I have a sweet treat for you. My friend Kristy is sharing her one word for 2015! Thank you for sharing so bravely girrrrl! xo
When I was thinking and asking God about my word for this year I felt as though I was being prepared for followup. Going into last year my world felt like it had crashed around and the word(s) I was given {fear/trust} were bringing me out from under the rumble, allowing me to stand while the dust cleared and settled.
And now it has...
Going into this year was 10 times better than the last. I entered 2015 with a sense of excitement and anticipation--much different than the year before. And so many things have happened, so far including the opportunity of sharing publicly my story of my journey from last year, not only once but twice! It's crazy but my mom remembers sitting on the couch with me last year, me probably in tears, questioning why I was going through that, saying to me, "one day you'll have an amazing story to share". (I tell you moms are such a gift, and I'm very thankful for mine!)
So at first I thought my word was 'Dream'. But as I spent time praying and thinking about it I realized it is REBUILD!
Time to rebuild what was lost. Not just people or time but to rebuild me! The word dream fits perfectly in there. To grab hold of dreams that once danced across my mind for myself, for my church, for my family and friends. Now that is a lot of rebuilding to some degree and I know that it's not all going to happen in the space of twelve months and non of it can happen without the first one!
Rebuilding Kristy - emotionally, physically, spiritually.
So to start out I signed myself up for a swim club with a triathlon club. (Say what! That's the same thing I asked myself too...). But you know, it felt good! I loved it. And by the end of it I had swum over 1000m in one class. Something I never thought I would be able to say.
It is time for me to claim back what depression took away from me. And rebuild the journey to the dreams I have and that HE has for me, or discover new ones!
I know I can't go back to the way things were. Things have changed too much, BUT that is what rebuilding is all about. A chance to rebuild into what I want to be, not what I was. It is kind of like rebuilding a home, adding a new skylight here and new flooring (which by the way, you should check out Laura's renos!)
It's so exciting to think of all the things I had wished and dreamt for in my life and what's crazy is that God's dreams, I know, will blow mine out of the water. My expectations for God are big this year. I often set them low because of past hurt or disappointment or fear. BUT I can remember that it's God's dreams, not just mine and seeing what he pulled me out of last year, I can declare that this year is going to be great!
Thank you for reading, thank you Laura for having a place to be brave and write.
Thank you again for sharing Kristy!
Want some more inspiration? Check out these previous one words- Sarah // Laura // Our Breakfast