Happy Friday everyone! This week flew by...probably because we finally found out WE ARE HAVING A BOY...and leading up to that felt sooo slow. I'm officially halfway through this pregnancy! How crazy is that!!! James and I (with the help of Courtney) registered for a bunch of cute boy things at Toys R Us last night. Every time I pick up a onesie, I picture my sweet baby boy in it and oh my gosh my heart melts...I can't wait to be a mama to him. I want these next 20 weeks to FLY BY but I'm going to try to soak up the free time before my life goes bananas.

Any weekend plans? James is playing in Courtenay on Saturday, so I'm tagging along to visit some sweet friends up there. Other than that, it'll probably be a low key weekend...probably just lots of pinning nursery and baby shower ideas lols.

  • Have you seen the new Ban.Do stuff? I'M FREEEAAAKING OUT. I need this phone case in my life and this water bottle oh my gosh.
  • Any of you listening to Serial these days? I love how it's done but I don't know...I'm just not really into the story....what do you think?
  • I'm finally getting into Making A Murderer...that stuff is CRAY! I think I may binge it tomorrow night..ha.
  • We're sneaking away to Ucuelet for a couple days in a couple of weeks...please send me your recommendations!!


Happy Weekend!




It's January 8th and my brain is going all like hsjdgkljshgjkhsdflkjhsdlfjkhsdkjlhfjkhsdf!!! Anyone else feeling the craziness of a new year? Thank goodness I have my energy back but wow, everyday I have mile long to-do lists.  #GodIlooktoYou

We're in the midst of our 21 Day Challenge at church...it's taking the first 21 days to fast and pray and focus on God. We've had noon-time prayer times and they have definitely helped with my sanity! 

I'm 18 weeks pregnant and in just over a week we find out the sex of #babyliira !!! Start placing your bets now...James and lots of others tell me I'm having a girl. I'm leaning towards boy but really I'm shooting in the dark here....sooo excited!!

And speaking of baby, Oh Joy! has released a nursery line at Target!!! Thank goodness Target ships to Canada. How cute are these swaddling cloths and this changing pad that folds up into a clutch!! She also has a home line coming out in February with super cute pillows and gold figurines...right up my alley.

Well hope you have a wonderful weekend! I have a jam packed one with Propel women, baby shower, bridal shower and two birthday parties...wowza! But I'm looking forward to spending time with great friends and family.



Merry Christmas!

Happy Friday everyone! Are you in the Christmas mood yet? It's hit me HARD. Probably because I spent last weekend either on the couch or with my head in a bowl....PTL my flu is GONE. 

I watched The Holiday last night and cried approx 10 times....the old man walking, the cute little girls, the love, oh the love....it may be pregnancy hormones, but I don't even care, it was the greatest. 

This weekend I plan to do all the Christmas things I missed out on last week! There's a Holiday City happening downtown and I'm excited to hit that up on Saturday along with my church's kid's Christmas musical! And on Monday I'm planning to GET MY BAKING ON. I have not baked in sooo long and there are about 5 cookie recipes that I want to bake haha. 

I'm officially in the second trimester and plan on doing a 4 month preggers post to update you on all pregnancy related news...but I will tell you now that yesterday I found out when our 19 week ultrasound is (!!!) cannot wait to find out if Baby Liira is a boy or girl!!!!!

Our Christmas tree and stockings are up (photo above) and my new Christmas candle just arrived! So this weekend, I also plan to spend some quality time in our living room watching a few more Christmas movies....wishing I had these comfy joggers or these pj's (hint hint ;)

Our lovely students left yesterday and this morning and man it feels weird to have just James & I living in our house but I will not complain because we are going out for dinner tonight and we don't have to make sure anyone else has food (GLOOORRRRYY!!!)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the second to last weekend before CHRISTMAS!!!




Happy Black Friday everyone! I just did some shopping on the Indigo sale from the comfort of my computer chair, sipping tea and wearing my bathrobe OBVS...now that's my kinda shopping.

To be honest, with my changing body I don't really have the desire to go to a fitting room and try on new clothes right now, so I'll be avoiding the mall today....except I need new gloves because it's FLIPPING FREEZING OUT! These ones look cozy and they're on sale!  Ohh and also these cute joggers look real comfy. 

Who's ready for the weekend? Mine is a little crazy with Christmas decorating at the church and sermon prepping for Adore BUT my Monday is going to be spent putting up Christmas decorations in our home!!! James ordered our new mantle and it's ready today...hurrrah! Can't wait to decorate it with fresh garland. 

Well hope you have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back on Monday with a printable December calendar for you!


ps. above photo by Rachael Alexandra Photography


hello weekend

It's Friday and here's to hoping on scoring BIEBER TICKETS at 10am!

Tomorrow I'm going to a pie making class with my momma and sister and I cannot wait!! We each leave with a pie and I'm hoping that we also get to sample lots and lots of pie....mmmmm.

James comes home in two days...BOOYAH. I've found this tour the hardest..probably because when he's away it's only me looking after our students. On the last tours if I was super tired after a long day of work, I could make a smoothie or eat a bowl of cereal and call it a day...not so much with international students...

Another reason why I'm so excited for James to come home is CHRISTMAS DECORATING can begin! He's going to build a mantle for our fireplace and I can't wait to decorate the junk out of it!

"Yes the world is scary as hell, love anyway." <------ yes. Love is what He asks of us, isn't it?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!


P.S. Sorry I haven't posted as regularly as I usually do! I've been feeling a little bit under the weather...hopefully next week I'll be getting back to 3x per week! I still have lots of photos from our vaycay to share with you and oh my goodness, let the Christmas baking games begin!