It's January 8th and my brain is going all like hsjdgkljshgjkhsdflkjhsdlfjkhsdkjlhfjkhsdf!!! Anyone else feeling the craziness of a new year? Thank goodness I have my energy back but wow, everyday I have mile long to-do lists.  #GodIlooktoYou

We're in the midst of our 21 Day Challenge at church...it's taking the first 21 days to fast and pray and focus on God. We've had noon-time prayer times and they have definitely helped with my sanity! 

I'm 18 weeks pregnant and in just over a week we find out the sex of #babyliira !!! Start placing your bets now...James and lots of others tell me I'm having a girl. I'm leaning towards boy but really I'm shooting in the dark here....sooo excited!!

And speaking of baby, Oh Joy! has released a nursery line at Target!!! Thank goodness Target ships to Canada. How cute are these swaddling cloths and this changing pad that folds up into a clutch!! She also has a home line coming out in February with super cute pillows and gold figurines...right up my alley.

Well hope you have a wonderful weekend! I have a jam packed one with Propel women, baby shower, bridal shower and two birthday parties...wowza! But I'm looking forward to spending time with great friends and family.
