/Happy Friday everyone! This week flew by...probably because we finally found out WE ARE HAVING A BOY...and leading up to that felt sooo slow. I'm officially halfway through this pregnancy! How crazy is that!!! James and I (with the help of Courtney) registered for a bunch of cute boy things at Toys R Us last night. Every time I pick up a onesie, I picture my sweet baby boy in it and oh my gosh my heart melts...I can't wait to be a mama to him. I want these next 20 weeks to FLY BY but I'm going to try to soak up the free time before my life goes bananas.
Any weekend plans? James is playing in Courtenay on Saturday, so I'm tagging along to visit some sweet friends up there. Other than that, it'll probably be a low key weekend...probably just lots of pinning nursery and baby shower ideas lols.
- Have you seen the new Ban.Do stuff? I'M FREEEAAAKING OUT. I need this phone case in my life and this water bottle oh my gosh.
- Any of you listening to Serial these days? I love how it's done but I don't know...I'm just not really into the story....what do you think?
- I'm finally getting into Making A Murderer...that stuff is CRAY! I think I may binge it tomorrow night..ha.
- We're sneaking away to Ucuelet for a couple days in a couple of weeks...please send me your recommendations!!
Happy Weekend!