the end of the golden decade.

the time has come the walrus said.

let’s get some facts straight.

i am weird.

i’ve had blonde hair for the past 11 years.

i thought it was only appropriate to create a montage of some of my favourite blonde moments in life…i warned you, i was a weirdo.

i can’t even remember why i wanted to go blonde originally.

scratch that.

that is a lie. i remember exactly why i wanted to go blonde.

like most teenage girls, i suffered with insecurities. grade 8 was a hard year for me. i hated my looks and wanted to conform to the barbie image that flashes in most little girls’ minds when the word “pretty” is heard. i wanted to be blonde. i would dream of being blonde. so at the end of grade 8, a few months before i turned 14, i started dying my hair blonde.

i don’t want this post to be sad. yes, at the beginning i was trying to be this image that i had of perfect in my head, but eventually the blonde became me. and i was fine with that. i loved my blonde hair. we had our ups and downs.. aka beautiful cool toned blonde vs. scary yellow blonde (scary bright yellow blonde appeared mainly through out highschool as i was not going to a very good stylist lol)

throughout the years, people actually were convinced that i was a natural blonde (ha)…i honestly forgot what being a brunette was like…blonde began to define me. if people needed to find me in a room, they would just have to look for the bright white blonde hair.

so this thought came into my mind two months ago…”i should go dark”. I was perfectly shocked by this thought as I could only imagine myself as blonde. But instead of dismissing this thought, I started to consider it. I started examining brunettes’ hair colour as they walked by…”too reddy, too dark, too light” were opinions that consistently went through my mind. I scoured pictures of celebrities who were blonde but went dark. I finally booked my hair appointment and booked a hair consult with my stylist. (Ashley at Lab, she’s incredible, book her!!!) And then, i gone and done it. Friday, December 3rd marked the end of the golden decade.

and what a good decade it was.

but let me tell you this…i am SO excited for the one to come.

stay gold,
