
Well friends, I've gone and done it. I was 5 minutes late for my dentist appointment yesterday morning because I was in my car registering on my phone for Alt Summit!!! I've had many inquiries already asking what the heck is Alt Summit and you may be wondering too. Well, Alt Summit is a conference for bloggers! They get sweet speakers in and they teach a variety of topics. They also have craft tables and parties at night…wooot!

It usually happens every January in Salt Lake City. I was considering going next year but then they announced a week ago that they were going to be putting it on in June and I thought, "Well, I like the sun a lot better than the snow….I should register." I chatted to James about it and he fully supports my blogging dreams (love you babe) and agreed that I should do it.  So with a whole lot of nervousness and excitement I registered!

Ok let's talk about fear for a moment. Registering for this kind of scares the crap out of me because 1. I don't know a single soul who's going. 2. I've never gone to Salt Lake City and going to an unfamiliar city alone is a bit overwhelming... BUT I'm choosing to not be ruled by fear. Gassssh, fear has held me back from so much and I'm not ok with that. Joyce Meyer (cool preacher lady) says "Do it afraid" and I so agree. If you're still scared after praying and talking with good friends than just do the thing that God is asking you to afraid. Chances are the fear will melt away as you step forward in faith and realize the fact that you had nothing to worry about!

So even though I'm afraid, I'm excited to step out of my comfort zone and meet fellow bloggers from around the world. I'm excited to learn from others. And Salt Lake City actually looks really pretty, so I'm excited to explore it as well…oh man this will surely be an experience for me!!

So the ticket is purchased. Now I have to book flights (ptL for points!), find somewhere to sleep, have business cards made (because they're kind of a big deal there) and plan my outfits of course (Rachel, you know I'll be calling on you for help).

eeeeeeeeeeeep! I'm a barrel of nerves right now, thankfully I have just over three months to pray those away!


What are you doing right now that's requiring you to step out of your comfort zone? I'd love to know so I can cheer you on and maybe you can give me some tips on helping me step out of my comfort zone? :)





well friends, november is almost done and gone and you know what that means? CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!! james and i went to costco today and stocked up on our usually christmas cravings of salami and brie…mmmmmm meat and cheese.

i’m happy to report that my weeks on weeks of essay writing have come to a close and now i am a free woman to blog away. tonight i planned december. fingers crossed i can keep this up.

happy friday!
