/i’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. In my next post I will be writing a life update about all my amazing cadtool adventures and about other new awesome things in life ;) but for now I have to share what the Lord has been teaching me this week…
My connect group started a new study last night titled, “LORD CHANGE MY ATTITUDE”. I was a little hesitant to do this study at first, because (seriously) who wants to admit that their attitude needs changing? But get this straight…having an attitude is going to seriously hinder you. It’s going to hinder your personal development, your walk with God, your relationships with others, your career, etc (the list goes on and on).
In the study James MacDonald studies the Israelites. They were meant to go in and possess the land that God had for them. The promised land. The land flowing with milk & honey (mmmmmmm). To make a long story short, the Israelites did not possess this amazeballs land. They stayed and ended up dying in the wilderness (picture a dry, desolate place). Their awful attitude prevented this from happening! UGH!
And that happens with us in life. Here are some notes I took from last night’s video (it was all about complaining)
1. Attitude controls outcome
2. Those who choose murmuring as their lifestyle will spend their lifetime in the wilderness
3. We choose our attitudes
4. An attitude is a pattern of thinking formed over a long period of time
5. Complaining is sin
6. Complaining means “to express dissatisfaction with a circumstance which is not wrong and about which I am doing nothing myself to correct”
7. God hears our complaining
8. God hates our complaining
We have the choice to complain or SHUT UP. And sadly I think a lot of us choose to complain. Just two days I was faced with the choice…
It was a beautiful Monday afternoon and me being the procrastinator I am, left it to the very last minute to use my redfish bluefish groupon ($8 for $16 worth of amazing seafood). So I went on my lunch break to discover the longest line up I had ever seen there. I waited a full hour before I got to the front of the line to order. I didn’t notice it until I was near the front of the line but they had raised their prices by a few dollars. I know that seems really petty but I found myself sooooooo mad. I had just looked up the prices online and the two piece halibut was supposed to be flipping $16.50 not $19. So there I was two people away from ordering, ready to turn on my sassy beyatch attitude and complain about the “false advertising on the website” when all of sudden the feeling came over me. Oh, you know that feeling. The conviction hit and God showed me the tired workers who had been dealing with these sassy beyatches all day. The last thing these workers needed was another one. So I repented and ordered as sweetly as I could. side note…while waiting for my food I look over at my car in the lot and see the ticket guy entering my license plate into his machine thingy. I ran over saying Oh pleeeease no!!! and something wonderful happened, he flashed me a smile and said don’t worry about it! He didn’t even mind that i didn’t put coin back into the machine while i went back to get my food! :)
But enough said, don’t complain. Choose to SHUT UP because God truly has the best life for us and he can’t take us there if we choose to complain.
over & out,