/we’re baaaack! after three plane rides (5 hours, 12 hour & 15 minutes) we arrived back in victoria yesterday afternoon at 4:30pm. i slept like a baby last night for 12 straight hours (probably why i’m still awake right now)! i was very happy to get home. india was very incredible but very different culturally and very dirty. i stayed in the shower last night until the warm water ran out and it was just bliss.
i have so much to share with you! and i will in due time. i’m going to get back on my (hopeful) blogging schedule of 3x per week. life’s getting busy as always with fall on it’s way. this weekend we’re celebrating our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! then it’s major music time for james and major hermeneutics time for me but i promise, i won’t leave you hanging!
ok i have a full day at work ahead of me so i better get to bed!
sleep tight,