i’m baaaaaaaaaack!

we arrived home sunday afternoon from our incredible road trip. our journey home was bruuutal. we left sunny anaheim at 6am on saturday and arrived at our (sketchy) hotel in freezing centralia at 11pm. i drove the first six hours and then my incredible hubby drove the remaining 11! i am the worst back seat driver (must be because of my deep rooted control issues, ha).

we drove straight through the entire time, only making necessary stops for starbucks, gas, bathroom breaks, in & out burger (!!!!), random espresso bar (which looked promising but made a very weak americano and gross chai latte), & food in portland (went to the most amazing grocery store which was soooo portland, typical).

the thing that kept us both sane was the chronicles of narnia…on that drive we listened to prince caspian & the voyage of the dawn treader. both were so beautiful and magical. they swept us away from the long drive and transported us to stunning narnia…i highly recommend listening to these audio books (by focus on the family)

i’m still finding it hard to adjust from holiday mode to go mode…here’s what my desk looked like when i arrived at work on sunday..

our living room is even worse than this!

it was freeeeeezing yesterday..but today i got up early and ran along dallas road..it was beauty..of course i’m longing for sunny california but i’m glad to be home.. :)

i have so much to share with you about our trip, so get ready for lots of new blog posts…hooray!

