/As I write this. Or even start thinking about writing this, one emotion flows through me…awe. Is awe even an emotion?
It started as a normal Tuesday. Work at the Church. Staff meeting at 11. Prayer time and we all say a prayer around the round table. I felt led to pray for my family and as I was praying, He said in a still small voice, “Buy your Nana Rosa flowers on Friday.” An odd request, yes. My “Nana Rosa” is my late-eighty-something Italian grandmother. I know I’m a terrible grandaughter for not even knowing her exact age. She is wonderful. Her under 5 foot self is full of love and spreads this by feeding the masses. Her lasagne is to die for. Bread, delicious.
One of my new years resolutions was to spend more time with her, so I thought, “Ok, I’ll buy Nana Rosa flowers on Friday.”
But life happens. The week was turning out more busy than I expected/ I usually leave things to the last minute and Friday was looking too busy to visit my dear grandmother.
But He was adamant.
Thursday night I had a very sad dream where my grandmother died and I was full of regrets and coulda, woulda, shouldas. Nothing like a death dream which kicks you in the buttocks. As soon as I woke up, there was fire under my bottom to get to the florist.
So that afternoon, I stop by my Nana’s for coffee and deliver her the flowers. She thanked me and hugged me and asked why did I buy them. Obviously I answered that I love her and she is the best grandma in the whole wide world.
But He knew the real reason.
As she was putting the flowers in the vase, she told me in her thick italian accent that today was her 60th wedding anniversary to my grandfather. My grandfather had died in 1979, years before I was even a fetus.
Let me say that one more time. FRIDAY WAS HER 60th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!! I had no idea, my dad had no idea. But God did.
I don’t know about you, but I find this pretty amazing. That God, the creator of the universe, cares about my little Nana Rosa so much that he gave her flowers on the day of her 60th wedding anniversary, that He wanted to see her blessed. He kicked me in the butt until I obeyed Him and delivered those flowers.
I don’t know about you, but this is the God I serve. He is a man of HIS WORD.
Psalm 146:9
The LORD watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow…
He cares for individuals. He hears our prayers. He blesses us. He loves us.
Oh, how He loves us.
I stand in awe of Him. I know it’s a simple act, giving flowers on an anniversary. But my heart is amazed, sparkling beyond belief.
stay gold,