first off, how beautiful was the sunset a few nights ago? cotton candy coloured skies always make this heart sparkle.

ok real talk time, i left my house in a hurry this morning. i was running late for coffee with my lovely friend courtney (!) and the reason why i was running late was because our weather kept changing. this morning it was cold and rainy, so i was dressed for cold and rainy but upon glancing out my bedroom blinds, i noticed the sun had come out a blazing. in a mad rush i changed into shorts and ran out the door. half way on my drive to starbucks i looked down at my knees and realized my legs were disgustingly hairy not shaved. i was tempted to turn around and run straight to the shower but instead i kept going. meh. i’d rather spend quality time with courtney than protect the world from seeing my not so smooth legs. real talk. (fyi don’t worry, i will still shave my legs and not embarrass you if we hang out this summer…)

anyways….while we’re on the subject of real talk. let me tell you something: real talk is important. i do not know how people go through life without talking about the trials & annoyances & crazy stuff & scary stuff (etc, etc) that happens to them. 

i do believe you have to be discerning. i’m not going to go all real talk and ask someone for advice, or tell them about an issue if i barely know them. be discerning in who you open up to! i know i’m rambling here but the point is…get some people in your life that you can go all real talk on. 

james & i are so blessed to have amazing pastors/mentors/friends/role models (aka andy & lisa) in our life. they had us over the other night and we told them honestly where we were at and they listened and loved and offered wisdom. we drove away refreshed and blessed. 

let’s face it…life can be cray. life can be a little cray. life can be very cray. get someone in your life who you can be real talk with.

newly engaged/newly weds…married life is hard (at times!), get a couple that you look up to that you can be real talk with. young girl, young man (do any guys even read this blog?) get someone in your life, a youth leader, an older person you respect, someone that you can be honest with,someone who will offer Godly wisdom, someone who will pray for you, someone who will keep you accountable, someone who will love you!

don’t hold everything in (that will make everything even more cray!), find an awesome mentor/friend/role model, be real with them & leave refreshed and blessed.


happy friday friends.


