So this update is a two in one...blame it on pregnancy + going away + going back to work + house renos! And you guys...this is the last update before Luca is a ONE YEAR OLD! I'm going to have a one year old...good thing another baby is on the way haha.
Here's the Lion's 10/11 month update.
WEIGHT: 24lbs?
I actually have no idea lols. He's been gaining weight but also seems to grow a couple inches every few days, so I'm looking forward to finding out where he's at at his one year appointment next month!
HEIGHT: Haven't measured him lately but I'm guessing he's gained at least an inch in the past two months!
WEARS: Mostly in 12-18 month clothing but I've been squeezing him into a few things that are 9-12, but they're tiiiiight ha! I love the summer look, he looks just so cute in a t-shirt with his belly hanging out ha.
SLEEPS: Like an angel. In the past few months he's only woken up (when we had to go in and soothe him) once...and that was when he was sick a couple nights ago! He's still on two naps a day. I'm finding if those exceed a total of 3 hours, it's harder to get him to sleep at 7pm. But man, we are so blessed with this little guy.
EATS: Still loving food! He now has four teeth so he's getting so good at chewing! He pretty much eats whatever we're eating for dinner, so it's pretty easy to feed him. He's now fully on formula as he weaned himself a couple months ago. I had cut back to nursing him in the morning and at night because I just felt so drained being pregnant and nursing but he ended up not really wanting to nurse anymore at all, so now it's bottle feeding. At first I was sad but now I'm totally ok to let the girls have a break for a few months before baby #2 comes lols lols.
PLAYS: Oh man, this little guy keeps me so busy! He is constantly on the move. Always wanting to climb the stairs...which results in me carrying him back down because he just can't figure out how to go down safely, lols. He still love chasing Coco around the house but she had scratched him a few tims :( It's mostly when she's sleeping and he sneaks up and grabs her tail. He hasn't cried but I still get nervous so I usually put her behind the baby gate.
HIGHS: All the cuddles. My little guy is becoming such a cuddle monster and I LOVE IT. I love when I'm not in a rush and can just cuddle him while he drinks his post sleeping bottle. It's my favourite. He's such an affectionate little guy.
LOWS: Luca got sick over the weekend with a high fever and vomiting. It was so so so sad and scary too. Thankfully tylenol and rest worked and he was back to his normal self within 48 hours.
PARENTING: Going back to work has been good yet hard in ways too. I love working. I don't think I'm cut out to be a stay at home mom but the struggle is real! This is a whole post in itself but man, I am feeling the strain of wanting to further your career but also wanting to birth more babies and raise a family. Being a mama is so sacrificial. I'm trying to remind myself that this is a season and it the scheme of things, it will seem soooo short so I need to just embrace the season that God has given me. Work will always be there but my sweet baby won't always be a baby.
POSTPARTUM: I guess I'm technically prenatal now lols! Speaking of which... I will give you another pregnancy update soon!
WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO: Luca's first birthday! We're doing a lumberjack theme and I'm sooo excited!!
Can't believe the next update will be about my ONE YEAR OLD SON!!! Oh sweet Luca, it's such a joy and privilege to be your mama.