Our little bubba is growing up so quickly! I can't believe how much of a little boy he longer looking like a's so sad but this month has been my favourite yet! He's so interactive and plays so well independently. It's so fun discovering what makes him laugh, oh man this is such a fun age!

Here's the Lion's 9 month update:

WEIGHT: 21.5 lbs
My little man likes to EAT! So much that he jumped from the 50th percentile in weight to the 75th!

HEIGHT: 28.5 inches
He's getting taller!

WEARS: He's pretty much mostly in 12 month clothing. Honestly I haven't purchased anything brand new for him recently because I've been going to Thistle & Wren and finding the cutest things! I love consignment. If you're local to Victoria, I highly suggest checking them out (they're located in Fernwood square!)



SLEEPS: Thankfully last month's early wake ups are long gone (hoping this sticks for a looong time). My little Lion has been sleeping SO WELL! Daylight savings turned out to be amazing as he now goes down at 7:30pm, which allows us to actually do things in the evening, yay! And he's been sleeping straight through until 7-7:30. It's honestly been a dream. I think he maybe got up once this past month? And all James had to do was change his diaper and he went back to sleep.
Naps have been going pretty well too. Sometime he resists the morning nap, but usually he'll go about an hour and then for 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon. I'm thinking of getting him some blackout blinds soon because it's been getting brighter and brighter. Please let me know mamas if you have any recommendations!

EATS: Little man eats everything! We feed him a mix of purees and finger foods. Sometimes he's not so good at the chewing part...hoping he gets a few more teeth soon because I'm sure that will help him be more efficient and not give mama a heart attack when he swallows things whole!!!

PLAYS: It's so fun watching this little man explore! We had to hcore baby proof our house because he was getting into absolutely everything! His favourite thing to do is chase Coco, our cat around the house. He thinks she's the best thing ever and she is the annoyed older sister...thankfully she hasn't tried to scratch him but she is so not interested in him lols. He's inch-worming everywhere! We have hardwood so I think it's a bit harder to crawl on. He's also pulling himself up on everything (including his crib when he's refusing a nap lols) and even is starting to walk on his walker! AHHH please stop growing so quickly little lion!

HIGHS: Oh man, so many highs! But I think him giving me kisses is my favourite thing in the world right now. They're open mouth and pretty slobbery but I'll take them whenever I can get them!

LOWS: Getting the flu SUCKED. Oh my gosh, it knocked James and myself out for days. Thankfully Luca only got it in poop format and he wasn't mad at all. Oh ya, it was sooo much fun changing poopsplosions when you feel like poop :/

PARENTING: We simply just love being parents to this little guy. James and him have such a little bond, it's soo sweet. James will be taking care of Luca on Mondays when I go back to work in May and he's soo excited about it. #presh



POSTPARTUM: Well after being sick and pretty run down for the past month, I'm excited to get back on the exercise train! I'll be doing mostly running/walking outside and some videos in my house. We're trying to save some $$ so we cancelled our gym memberships.

WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO: In April we have two little getaways before I go back to work in May! First a quick family trip to our new family cabin on Pender Island...SOOO EXCITED! And then mama gets to go away for a spa trip to Whistler to celebrate my bestie Rachel turning 30!! So excited to get these fun things in before going back to work!!

I'll be back soon with a 10 month update because that's only a couple weeks away lols.

Love ya!
