And just like that, our baby is seven months. Seven months and becoming such a little BOY! I held a 7lb baby the other day and just about died of cuteness overload...and to think Luca was once 7lbs...(!!!!!!!) (I wrote half of this earlier this month but then time got away from some of my answers may be a bit dated!!)
Here's the Lion's 7 month update:
WEIGHT: 18.7 lbs
Our next doctor's appointment isn't until he's 9 months so I'm guessing on our home scale. I think he's around 18-19lbs...he's getting up there!!
HEIGHT: 27 inches
Another half inch....getting so BIG!
WEARS: He's mostly in size 6-12 or 9 month clothing. I found some simple white onesies from Carters...bought him 12 month size because he's growing so fast!
SLEEPS: He's still sleeping so great! (ASIDE FROM TEETHING, which i will get into next month!!!) I thought things were changing because a few nights around Christmas time he woke up at 12am & 4am...I was like NOOOOOOOO...but thankfully it was only for a couple days and he's back to sleeping pretty much 6:30pm-6:30am straight. He's super sensitive to noise though, so James and I have to be sooo quiet when we're going to bed!! Any tips on having a baby that's super noise sensitive? We have loud white noise but he still wakes up if we have ppl over at night.
We're loosely following the 2-3-4 method for naps. It basically means he goes down for the first nap 2 hours after he wakes up, the third nap 3 hours after he wakes up and down for the night 4 hours after he wakes up. It usually works for us but sometimes he's showing me signs that he needs to go down earlier (rubbing eyes, yawning). We've officially cut the third nap and it's worked very well for us...(aside from the time we go to Adore at 6pm..then I try to get him to take a 3rd nap)!
EATS: He is still LOOOVING food. He breastfeeds 4x a day and then eats 3 meals and sometimes a snack too. I still have him mostly on purees but every morning I give him banana pancakes (2 eggs + one banana mixed and made into pancakes...that batch lasts us a couple days), I'll probably start giving him some more non-puree food but choking scares me!! But I have to remind myself, he is a great eater and is able to chew. Any tips on transitioning to real foods?
HIGHS: Baby's first Christmas was definitely extra special. We had a nice & slow December and it was so fun. He's at a great stage right now where he sits on his own and doesn't move much, I know it won't last long but it's nice to see him play for a long time without being worried he's going to crawl into the fireplace, ha. PS. send me your baby proofing tips!!
Another high is the relationship between Luca & our cat, Coco. (not to be confused with Auntie Coco aka Courtney). Let's just say, Coco is not the easiest cat to get along with. She loves James and I and that's pretty much it. She is super sassy to everyone that comes into our house and isn't afraid to claw you if you try to pet her (how dare you!) She scratched Luca when he was two months old so I have kept them pretty separated. In the past couple months Coco has just stopped caring about Luca which has been great but over the past month Luca started noticing Coco. He loves her and the craziest thing has happened....she has been so sweet with him!!! She hasn't once tried to scratch him and she has even given him a little kiss on the nose a couple times. That has been such a huge relief!
LOWS: He started to go through a bit of separation anxiety. My mom was looking after him and he wouldn't stop crying or go down for bed...which is crazy unusual because he loves my mom and usually goes down soo easy. My Wonder Weeks app told me that around 29-30 weeks (which is exactly where he was at that time) babies start to learn that mom can walk away from them. How sad!!! And I heard somewhere that they start freaking out because they don't know when mom is going to come back. It gave me a bit anxiety because as much as I love being a mom, I also love going out and having other people able to soothe and put down my baby. I know it's just a phase and it will pass but I'm stressing a bit because I'm going away (without Luca!!) at the end of the month!
PARENTING: I go away tomorrow for the night, so James has Luca and he is pumped. He's not worried at all, which makes me relaxed. We are big believers in co-parenting around here! Luca needs both mom and dad.....and for the record, we both change those dirty diapers :)
POSTPARTUM: I cut out sweets for the first 21 days and I saw a my weight go down to the lowest it's been since having Luca! Still not where I want to go but I'm celebrating the small steps :)
WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO: Our first night away from Luca together at our church's couples retreat next month!! Also seeing the photos my friend Rachael took of us today!
Only 4.5 more months and this little bubba will be ONE YEAR OLD!! AHHHHHH