My sweet baby boy is growing up!! Three months baby boy...that's one quarter of the year!! I miss him being so tiny but I love getting to know his cute little personality.
WEIGHT: 14lbs 1oz
Hello my big boy!! He seems huge but he's in the 50th percentile for weight so he's right on par with most babies. But HELLO baby thunder thighs.
HEIGHT: 24 inches
My baby grew over an inch last month! I held up a newborn onesie that was once loose on him and it almost made me cry...please stop growing my baby.
WEARS: I mostly have him in 3-6 month clothing except for pants as he can still fit into 0-3 ones. If you follow me on snap, you would have seen a few fall items I ordered for him. I got these cute little sleepers, this adorbs onesie for Halloween and a few other things as well.....buying baby clothes is SO addicting.
SLEEPS: Luca started consistently sleeping (in his crib) between 8-10 hours straight for almost the whole month (sometimes 7 hours and sometimes 11 but mostly between 8-10)! I definitely feel like a new woman but I know it could all change at the four month sleep regression...oh dear Lord. He usually has three naps a day but often fights the last cat nap at 5pm. We usually put him down for the night between 7:30-8pm and have started doing a bedtime routine (low lights, baby Einstien lullabies on spotify, pjs, bath (every couple days), boob, bed). Obviously with church and other night time stuff we can't always get him down at 7:30-8 but I really try to on most nights and it makes a huge difference.
HIGHS: That first laugh. Oh my gosh, I could have died right there in that moment. He's such a sweet, happy little guy but you got to be really funny to make him laugh...which I totally appreciate and James and I are both like that too. He laughs most when I sing him a silly song and bob my top knot around, ha.
LOWS: Honestly, this month has been really good as we both have figured out a sort of rhythm. There obviously have been some hard days when James had to work overtime on some jobs...on those days, I'm counting down the minutes until bedtime ha...but overall I don't think I had too many breakdowns that stood out to me, lol.
PARENTING: Watching James and Luca together is one of my favourite things. Luca knows who his daddy is and now not just mama can calm him down...that's such a sweet thing to see. We booked a family vacation for the end of October and I cannot wait for non-stop family time with my two favourite guys.
POSTPARTUM: So I've gone on about five runs now lols and I'm still the same weight I was at the beginning of August but now it's September and I'm starting to be a bit more accountable with my eating and exercise. We're actually going to be test subjects in a UVIC study on exercise after a baby, so hopefully that will kick this butt into gear....on the other hand, I'm not too stressed...I'm in the midst of writing a post on beating the post-partum body blues....I have so much to say and it's dang hard to get it all out but what I will say now is I'm trying to find the balance between not beating myself up and making an effort to make healthy choices.
WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO: More giggling. More family time after a busy work season. Date nights, ha. It's fun seeing Luca develop, just yesterday he blew his lips for the first time and was shocked at the noise that came's so cute seeing him grow...but also very sad :( !!!
Oh my sweet lion, I love being your momma.