This summer has been different than the past because of the arrival of our sweet lion. In the first few weeks we didn't get out much...partly because I was a freaked out first time mom and also because Luca was dealing with his reflux (aka mad baby in pain = lots of crying.) But thanks to encouragement from friends, JESUS, a slight change in diet and meds, we have been able to get out quite a bit!

Because I'm crazy extroverted, I feel the need to get out every day! I don't like to be out too long though because Luca sleeps best in his crib and naps are very important. BUT I don't wanna be a psycho who never leaves the house because my boy needs three two hour naps everyday. So usually I try to keep his outings no longer than 4-5 hours. 

He is proving to be such a champ though! We took him to Rock the Shores to see daddy play and man, that was such an amazing experience...but mainly because they treated us so well. I just wanna give the hugest shout out to the RTS hospitality team. The whole food situation was AMAZING...if you saw our snapchat you witnessed that we never wanted to leave, ha. Unlimited donuts, and a billion other foods. It makes me cry just thinking about it. Luca basically ate and slept in the stroller the entire time, leaving lots of time for me to eat, ha. Towers & Trees had a great tent backstage where I got to feed him in a non-windy, non-sunny location. It was the best. If only we could get that vip treatment everywhere we go..lols.

I also love to take him in the stroller! He usually naps like a little champ (except for when he's hungry) but in those times, I am so thankful for my Milk Snob cover. It keeps the wind off of him and also serves as my nursing cover. And don't worry, I make sure there is a big hole for him to get air out of and I limit his time in it!

My brother in law scored us fireworks tickets for Butchart Gardens. I wore Luca in my Solly wrap and he napped for a long time. During the fireworks he was a little freaked but we had his baby head phones on, which he hates but protect his hearing! But once he calmed down it was so beautiful to see his little face mesmerized by the fireworks.

Here are some more photos from our summer aka Luca weeks 1-8. Cannot believe he'll be TWO MONTHS old this Thursday!!!

Oh, I love that little face so much :)

Happy Monday!
