How far along are you?

I'm 38.5 weeks pregnant! INSANE! 9 days until my due date....can't believe we're in the single digits now!! But honestly, we're prepping for him to come a bit later as most first baby's come late!

How big is baby?

Baby is around 19.5 inches and could weigh around 7lbs! I'm having an ultrasound today...hoping they can tell me approx how much he weighs right now...and maybe the head size too? lolz.


Like I'm on the edge of the craziest adventure and all I can do is wait!! I finished work on Tuesday and yesterday I went to the spa, which was amazing. Today I have a doctor's appointment and an ultrasound and tomorrow I have chiro so I'm keeping myself busy with appointments. I have some organizing to do around the house so I'm hoping he doesn't come for a few more days...if he decides to come early haha. 

I just can't wait to hold him in my arms. And see what he looks like. Oh this son of mine, who've I carried for 9 months...I can't wait to feel his feet on the outside! 

I'm not so much looking forward to labour but I know the pain will be worth it and God will give me the strength I need to get through it!!

Food love/hate:

I want all the things I shouldn't eat but when I eat my morning smoothie and vegetables, I always feel better so I'm trying to keep it balanced but man, it's hard!! 


I cancelled my gym membership because I won't be able to work out for awhile after the birth so I'm now walking, walking, walking. My goal is to walk at least 3km every day on mat leave! I'm also incorporating squats and lunges and bouncing on the ball to try to get him into a good position!


My bump has dropped a bit so it's easier to wear some clothes. I'm not at the waddling stage yet, so I'm still able to wear my leggings! 

What I'm looking forward to:

The ultrasound today! Last week my doctor was unsure if he was head I'm hoping and praying that he's head down!!! I went to chiro last week and she was very confident he was head down, just not fully dropped so please pray that he drops into an ideal birthing position! God's given me so much peace about everything. I know God loves my little guy and I know God will guide him out!!


