Being a new mom is one of the most intense experiences of life. Pregnancy is tough, birthing is insane and now you have a teeny, screaming newborn to take care of! New moms deserve some gifts (& medals!)

1. Ergopouch- Luca has slept swaddled from day one. We had him in thin ones through the summer/newborn phase and he just grew out of his 3-6 month one so I just bought this one. He loves it and it keeps him warm on these cold winter nights! This one is a 2.5 tog and keeps your baby nice and cozy. The size goes from 3-12 months and you can keep arms swaddled in or out. Luca had arms swaddled in until he found a way to bust out around 2.5 months.
2. Teether- I love how cute these teethers are and the company is out of Vancouver!
3. Stuffy- These jellycat stuffies are sooo soft and so sweet.
4. Lavender Soap- Baths are your best friend postpartum and these soaps look so luxurious!
5. Cozy Robe- For the first couple weeks after Luca was born, I basically lived in my robe! This one looks so cozy and is perfect for winter!
6. Lavender Bath/Body Oil- This stuff looks delightful. I swear by using Lavender to help get me to sleep.
7. S'well Water Bottle- In those early days of breastfeeding you are thirsty (& hungry!!!) ALL OF THE TIME! I love my s'well as it keeps water nice and cold for 24 hours!
8. Welcome Home Onesie- Awe, isn't this onesie the cutest?

New mamas are my heroes, they so deserve to be blessed!!
