My sweet, sweet lion is now five months old and this stage has definitely been my favourite yet. Don't get me wrong, I do miss the littleness of him as a newborn but now he's growing into his own little person and it's so precious to see.
We had the best time away. He was such a champ and I think it's because he was the perfect age to travel with! Oh, the family time was sooo, sooo good.
WEIGHT: 17lbs
This little lion is getting heavy now! I actually hurt my back last month from lifting/rocking him improperly. Thankfully it's much better now after rest, stretching and proper lifting.
HEIGHT: 26 inches
Another inch taller...I'm kinda freaking out because his current carseat only goes to 29 inches!
WEARS: I'm barely squeezing him into size 3-6 months. I've had to move up to 6 month in some clothes and sleepers will be next. It breaks my heart a little bit whenever I have to put away what he has outgrown...but I'm hoping one day I'll be able to bust it out for a little brother (down the road, ha!) I also love how every few months I get to go on mini shopping sprees for him #firstchildprivileges. He needs some new basics so I'll probably end up getting these but seriously how cute is this little dude sweater....
SLEEPS: His sleeping has been a bit all over the place! On vacation he slept surprisingly well at night (usually 10 hours straight!) but because of our schedule he did most naps on the go. When he got home, I had a few days of napping nightmare aka either super short or no nap at all.
I knew I had to change some things because when he naps well, he is a happier little guy so we got out the old sleep training manual (we use sleepsense, leave the room model incase you were wondering).
He caught on very quickly because we instilled stuff that we had already taught him a few months back. We keep our routine pretty consistent and the biggest thing is, I stopped feeding him to sleep. I'm happy to say that he's been doing really well! His naps are mostly 1-2 hours and he's settled into a nap routine.
A typical night looks like going down between 6:45-7pm, waking up at 5 for a 10 minute feed and then going back down until 8am. First nap is usually 1.5-2 hours after waking up and second is usually 2-3 hours after waking up from his first nap. He usually skips the third nap unless we're driving and he snoozes in the car. He's usually okay on skipping the third nap but on those days I have to get him down by 7!
HIGHS: Definitely going away was a huge high this past month. James had been working like crazy, so it was soooooo fun to just be a family together checking out sweet spots in San Diego. My heart just melts when I see my guys together.
LOWS: The four month shots were not my favourite but thankfully he didn't react as much as he did after the two month ones....but man that scream/cry is just the worst for a mama.
PARENTING: Since we've started sleep training again I've had a bit more free time because James is able to put the Lion down for a nap and also helps with his bedtime routine...having help from dad, is sooo nice and I love seeing their little bond form.
POSTPARTUM: Now that we're back from vaycay I'm really trying to get back on the whole "working out"'s going but it's not my favourite, ha. This weather makes me just want to stay in, eat cookies and watch netflix. James and I have been trying to schedule in workouts, but it's been hard because we either have to workout over quality time with each other/go after Luca is in bed and we're stupid tired. Ahhhh...I'm sure we'll find out rhythm soon!
WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO: We're really looking forward to feeding him food! He's sooo interested in what we're eating and reaches for it as well. Can't wait to watch him experience food for the first time!!! We'll probably wait till just before he's six months!
Oh my sweet, sweet baby boy, you are such a little delight. Time can you please slow down?