she reads truth

I'm a morning person. Always have been, hopefully always will be. I am not a night owl. Wanna watch a movie at 10pm? HA! I'll be asleep in 20 minutes, just you wait.

But let's get something straight....being a morning person doesn't mean I wake up super happy, ready to change the world. I need some time first.

Here's my usual morning routine:
Alarm goes off around 6:30am.
Snooze once (sometimes twice if I'm real tired).
Get up.
Feed Coco.
Turn on espresso machine.
Make americano.
Curl up on my chair or couch.
Spend time with God.

This is my special time. Time to sit, time to think, time to drink coffee, time to read and time to talk to Jesus. This is my sacred time. This time allows me to gather my thoughts and rest in Him before the day before me. I love this time. 

I don't always get this time. Sometimes I sleep too late, sometimes I'm lazy, sometimes I make other plans. But I never regret it when I take the time to meet with God in the morning....never ever.

Coffee & the word

In this time I usually read some sort of teaching on the Bible (& the Bible of course). For the past number of years I've been reading Jesus Calling. I absolutely love it. I also do Bible reading plans through the Bible App. But the other day I decided to check out She Reads Truth and YOU GUYS...I love it.

I know SRT has been around for awhile but I just downloaded the app yesterday and I'm hooked! SRT is all about helping women connect with Jesus through His Word. They have a daily devotional that you can sign up for through email but they also have an app. I loooove the app. There's a ton of different plans that you can download for free and also ones you can buy. You can also go on their website and past devotionals for free too.

She Reads Truth

I purchased the women in the word plan and I'm loving it! The plan includes Bible readings and a devotional. 

They have a lot of other features as well and I just got an email today that they are launching a site for dudes! He Reads Truth !! Check it out if you're a boy reader or if you have a man in your life.

Oh and they also have a ton of cute lock screens....

Pretty sweet hey? I woke up this morning pumped for my morning coffee and excited to dive into my reading plan. If you haven't checked out She Reads Truth yet, I highly recommend it!!! 

Do you have any devotionals that you love? I'd love to know! Please let me know in the comments below.

