/It's light out well past 9pm. All I want to eat is ice cream. And I have a desire to go camping (whaaat??) Folks, summer is HERE. I also have the desire to curl up and do nothing except sit in a hammock and read a book. Maybe you have that desire as well and if that is the case, you will be glad you stopped by today because today, I'm sharing what's on my summer reading list!
Summer is my favourite time for reading. I think it started when I was a little girl. I always remembering going to the library in the summer and signing up for their book reading club. You were challenged to read a whole bunch of books and it was THE BEST. Well this summer, how about we take that challenge? Here's 10 books I'm going to read this summer...and please don't judge me for the chick lits :p
1. Silver Girl by Elin Hildebrand- I actually already finished this one! It's definitely a chick lit but it's perfect for summer. This author always writes about Nantucket and it makes me want to visit there sooo badly!
2. The Shadow Queen by Sandra Gulland- I'm so pumped to read this! I devoured her trilogy on Josephine Bonaparte. Love me some historical fiction.
3. Fashioned to Reign by Kris Vallatton- I actually bought this book last summer and never really dived into it. It's all about empowering women to step into God's calling for their lives and not be held back by the glass ceiling society or (sadly) church's have put over them.
4. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern- Both Courtney and Thea recommended this one to me so I'm defs going to read it!
5. A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving- I've only heard good things about this book so I'm excited to read it!
6. The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion- I loved The Rosie Project so I'm assuming I'm going to love the sequel! Witty writing is perfect for summertime!
7. One Plus One by Jojo Moyes- I'm currently reading this book. I'm only in the beginning and it's pretty good. Nothing too exciting but I'm digging it.
8. Where'd You Go Bernadette? by Maria Semple- OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS BOOK. It literally had me laughing out loud repeatedly. I can't recommend it enough!!!!
9. Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan- I've heard this one is a page turner...so pumped for it.
10. Simplify by Bill Hybels- I started reading this one in LA and almost bawled....it's exactly what I need. A serious refreshing cup of iced tea on an incredibly hot day. It's all about simplifying your life to do what God's called you to do. At the end of each chapter there are action steps...and you know how I feel about action steps (!!!) My soul is really excited to read this.
OK there you have it, 10 books I'm going to read this summer! Who's with me??