/I can't believe I've shared almost all of the befores of our house! So far you've seen the suite (before & after!), kitchen, living room, master bedroom & dining room. All that's left after the bathroom is the office/studio and guest bedroom.
Now the bathroom is the room that most definitely did not win me over....
The old owners had a serious "under the sea" vibe going on. Now don't get me wrong, I love the little mermaid but I do not want the little mermaid or any of her fishy friends in my bathroom.
We immediately painted the whole thing white which made a world of difference. We (and by we I mean Mike, my brother in law) put in an awesome super powerful yet super quiet fan. It was very weird that there were NO FANS in either the upstairs or downstairs bathrooms. All this talk about fans is riveting hey?
We obviously still have a ton of things to do...rip out that piece of wood over the shower...it's very odd, it makes showering very dark, add tile to the place, redo the floors and counter top...this again will be a pricey reno so it will have to wait till the time is right but in the meantime I'm free to plan and dream! Here's what I've been dreaming about for this space:

Obviously I'm all about the subway tiles for the bathroom. I also want to do a cute penny tile somewhere...maybe the floor? And I'm really digging having a lot of black masculine elements. BUT I'm also (big surprise) tossing around the idea of a lot of gold...but I think black is winning me over...!!
To see what else is inspiring me follow my DREAM HOME board on pinterest!
Hope you have an amazing day!