
Sorry I've been so M.I.A. lately...February has been extremely nutty for me with all the Illuminate prep and a bajillion other things! BUT I have many more exciting posts that will come once the craziness has subsided...

  • more on budgeting- on what is tithing all about, and how to budget when you're married!
  • ONE WORDS!!- I've been holding out on these because just last Saturday I had my annual one word breakfast so now I have pretty photos to accompany the one words...and oh my goodness, every lady came with an inspiring story so get PUMPED!
  • Wardrobe posts- Spring is here in my city so after Illuminate, James and I are planning to take some more photos!
  • Book Club- Have you finished Jojo Moyers, The Girl You Left Behind? We're going to discuss it next week!

Hope you have an amazing weekend! This afternoon James and I will be attending our church's marriage retreat...so excited for a night in a hotel and to hear from the amazing John and Helen Burns from Relate Church...and to hang with other couples in our church...it's going to be so FUN!

