/As I've said a ton, we've had the BEST summer round here. Living in the Pacific North West, we don't usually get a fantastic summer…maybe one month of sun and one month of rain. But this summer was exceptional. I can probably count the days of rain on one hand. It was the best.
So I got to have once last dance with summer a couple weekends ago. It was so much fun. We enjoyed the lake, ate ridiculously amazing food prepped by Helena, and enjoyed each other's company. It was the perfect last dance with summer.

And I couldn't resist sneaking in a photo of Coco…I'm obsessed with my cat and that's totally ok (at least I try to convince myself that it's ok!)
Well now it's officially fall so I guess I'll stop talking about summer…..HELLO FALL!
I have lots of fun things planned on here for fall. On Wednesday I'll be bringing you MY FAVOURITE fall muffin (actually they're my favourite muffins EVER)..and they're not healthy so maybe go for a long run before you read the post haha.
Hope you had a lovely last summer weekend! Mine was very packed so I'm going to enjoy a day of rest today…yippee!