/Last weekend we had the pleasure of going to Whistler with James' family...it was AMAZING!! Surprisingly both James and I had never been to Whistler before. Let's just say, I'm a fan.
Except for bears....yes, I saw A FREAKING BEAR ON MY RUN. Thank goodness James was with me, but it was SOO SCARY..I bolted away into nearby townhouses and refused to go running again..ha.
Whistler is crazy beautiful. The mountains, the glaciers, the lakes. And the village is such good vibes...except for the slow, relaxed snowboarder/biker service you receive in coffee shops...but hey, maybe that was the universe telling me to sloooooow down and enjoy vaycay mode.
We stayed at Cascade Lodge. It was perfect. Nice outdoor pool and soo close to the village.
We hiked two days and did peak to peak! It was so glorious.
Insanely beautiful.
Makes me in awe of God's creation. Those mountains!!! Swoon.

Seriously stunning hey? That last photo is a pic of the guys swimming in a glacier pool...crazy boys.
So other than hiking and staring at majestic mountains, we enjoyed an afternoon at Lost Lake and hung out in the village.
We had ice cream at Cows (honestly, tasted like Island Farms...it had NOTHING on Salt & Straw), family dinner for James' birthday at Dusty's in Creekside (best nachos ever..pulled pork come on!!), dinner date at Mongolie, and lots of coffees. We got to meet up with our good friends, the Normans which was SUCH a treat because we hadn't seen them for ages! Walking through the village reminded me of walking through towns in Europe...people and food everywhere..and accents! It was so nice to hear so many accents.
We also had great family bonding times. I am madly blessed with amazing in-laws!!
I know it won't be our last trip to Whistler!!
Have you been to Whistler before? If so, I'd love to hear what your must see spots are!
Happy Wednesday..I'm off to Parksville for a girls' trip right after work...SOOO STOKED!