/Hello from hot and sunny Redding California!
I had plans to give you some sweet posts this week but time got away from me! As you know, James is attending the Worship School at Bethel Church with other members from our worship team. They're really enjoying it. I checked it out yesterday morning (you can audit sessions) and had an amazing time. There's something incredibly special about worshipping Jesus in a room full of worship leaders. No holding back happens and that is a beautiful thing.
Today I hung out at home (the house we're staying at) and studied. I'm currently doing a distance education class from summit on the Holy Spirit. I tried studying outside but only lasted 30 minutes...ha. The neighbourhood we're staying in is a little sketchy..(not dangerous though!!) and it's just soooooo hot.
Bethel church last Sunday was amazing. Kris Vallotton spoke on empowering women in ministry...the last time I was at Bethel (which was my first time at Bethel) Sherry Silk spoke on women preaching...ha! I leaned over to James Sunday and said.. "God really loves me." ... I bought Kris' book, 'Fashioned to Reign' and I am so excited to tell you all about it!
Ok enough rambling from me...here are some pictures of the trip so far!