weekend warrior | ssheart.com/blog

Just wanted to stop in and say HI.

It's the weekend...yahooo. It's a fairly big weekend for me as I run my first half marathon!!! Rain is in the forecast but I'm praying that will change to overcast. I'm pretty nervous but I'm trying not to put unnecessary pressure on myself. The goal I have set is to complete the race- not kill myself trying to knock off a couple minutes off my time.

I finally finished my summit course that was due today! Feels good to complete it but I'll be starting my next one very soon.

I'm excited to get some design work going for a client and also designing my business cards for ALT (which is sneaking up rather quickly..ahhh!) 

I'm also excited to watch some tv shows that were prohibited until I finished my course..love me some greys & mindy! :p


Oh, and I also plan on buying some pink peonies. Swoon.

Hope you have a great weekend, any big plans for you?

