Well May has come and gone friends. With the completion of another distance course and my first half marathon, May marked a very full month for me. Because of the craziness, I definitely posted less than I did in earlier months. I'm still trying to find my rhythm, so thank you for dancing this crazy blog dance with me as I navigate my twists and turns! I'm sooooo looking forward to learning so much about this blogging world at Alt in three weeks and guess what? they just announced that OH JOY is going to be one of the speakers!!!!! (You'll remember her from this post!)

Oh yeah, and here are your May favourites!

1. One Word Posts were your favourite this month! We heard from three amazing people- Caitlyn | Elijah | Yemisi

2. Half Marathon Recap- So last Sunday I ran my first half marathon and I wrote a verrrrry long, over detailed post on it! But it was your second favourite after the one words so some of you must have liked it :) 

3. She Loves Recap- At the beginning of May I went to one of my favourite places to be all year- SHE LOVES CONFERENCE! Read all about it!

4. Summer Goals- I made a Summer bucket excited about sooo many things. Anyone up for a bonfire?

5. Real Talk Tuesday- Your fifth favourite post was all real talk. Sometimes in life ya just gotta get all real talk up in thurr. Real talk.


So May is almost just a memory friends. But that means that June will be upon us...aka SUMMER IS COMING! 

Hope you enjoy this last day of May. James and I are throwing a bbq for my Dad's birthday. Can't wait to celebrate and hang with my famjam.

Happy weekend!
