I got my first cell phone in grade 9. Back then camera phones did not exist, nobody ever texted and the best game was Snake. However, even though the cell phone world didn't have a whole lot to offer, it was important for me to find a cute cover (which was a sparkly chameleon purple to green cover).

Oh how the times have changed.

Now people usually only use their phone as their camera, prefer texting over talking and have a billion amazing games to choose from. But it's still important for me to find a cute cover.

So for today's Five Things On Friday, I give you my top picks for a summer iphone case. They're bright, colourful and fun...aka everything a summer iphone case needs.  

Summer Phone Cases |

1. Rifle Paper | 2. Kate Spade | 3. | 4. Rifle Paper | 5.


Ok, how cute are all of those? I need the toucan one in my life.

Hope you have the best Friday today! I'm cooped up inside writing a paper..but I'm ok with that because it means this class is almost done and I'm one more stop closer to having my ROMer certificate...yeeehaw.

Got any big plans for the long weekend? Please tell me so I can live vicariously through you while I'm inside writing.... :)

over n out,
