Welcome to my first weekly feature... Five things on Friday. Come creep here every Friday to see what's making this ol heart sparkle.

So today I'm talking one of my favourite things, BLOGS! Get this straight...I love reading blogs. I follow quite a few (understatement lols) but here are my fave five.

1. Design love Fest- DLF is a blog by the talented Bri Emery. She's a pro graphic designer/mama to an incredible blog. At DLF I find constant inspiration. She has incredible style graphically and I also enjoy creeping her life...

2. Bleubird- This blog is by a girl named James. She's a mama to four beautiful kiddos and mainly documents their life but ads in a few recipe/style/beauty posts here and there. It's kind of weird to follow lifestyle blogs as you get a good glimpse into people's lives. I see it as watching tv, except the episodes only take me about 30 seconds to finish.

3. Style By Emily Henderson- Ok my biggest blog crush goes to this girl. She has the best home sense I've ever seen, has a super cute baby AND is freaking hilarious. There have been multiple times when I've been reading Emily's blog and have found myself laughing out loud. AND she met Snoop Dogg and he called her baby 'Cousin Charlie'..HOW COOL IS THAT...I basically want to be her when I grow up...

4. She Loves Magazine- Here is my daily faith inspiration. She Loves Magazine is an online collective of a bunch of different women (and a few guys) who write to inspire women. I'm blown away by the talent collected on this site and I look forward everyday to reading the new She Loves post!

5. Joy the Baker- Because I like to bake and cook I read A LOT of food blogs but Joy the Baker is my fave. Through her incredible writing, I'm feel as though I'm sitting at her table while she tells me how to bake her latest creation. She makes me laugh and bring depth to doughnuts...what's not to love about her?


I read all the blogs through a website called BLOGLOVIN. If you do not have bloglovin, GET IT. GET IT GET IT GET IT GIRL. Honestly, it makes blog reading soooooo much easier. Instead of going to multiple blog sites to see if they've updated, you just go bloglovin and you can read all the new posts ONE spot.

Oh and after you get bloglovin, please follow ssheart on it by clicking the Eiffel tower below (or searching my blog on bloglovin)

Follow on Bloglovin

Well there you have 5 fave blogs to browse. I'd love to know what are your favourite blogs? Let me know below in the comments!


