
FYI I am a straight up lover of brunch. You want to take me out for dinner? Ahhh, let's do brunch instead? Waffles, morning light, pretty flowers, the comforting smell of coffee and those are my game. Orange juice? Oh, you got me hooked. Now add inspiring conversation to the mix...a little piece of Heaven.

And that's what last Saturday morning was. I invited some girlfriends over to have a One Word brunch. As you know, I've been doing this One Word thang for a few years now (2012, 2013, 2014). Last year I hosted a One Word dinner (which was so lovely). This year I decided upon brunch because as you know, I'm a lover of brunch. Basically each girl brought her incredible self, some delicious food and the word God had given her for 2014. 


I made waffles (which my sister in law had made on Christmas day and are THE BEST and yes, I'll be sure to share the recipe soon) and Danae made candied bacon (which was ahhhmaazing!) We ate a lot and laughed a lot...the best combo.


Ok, and can we talk about the elephant in the room for just a moment? You may be wondering why I have pictures of a lovely girly brunch with a "Let's get it on" chalkboard in the background? Ha, it's only up because of sheer laziness. It's been up since I hosted a lingerie shower for a friend in October…October, oh gosh, I know. Note to self: get around to decorating dining room...

one word brunch coffee

It was so incredibly, cool to see how God gave each of us unique words. I'm in awe of how good our God is. He cares for each of us individually and He speaks clearly today!

Each girl's word was so inspiring that I have decided to feature them all. Yes, you'll be hearing from five beautiful women of God over the next couple weeks...get pumped!

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You may notice only five women appear in these photos, that's because the incredible Amy was taking the photos (hire her, she's amazing!) You'll get to meet her soon enough though, because she's sharing her one word tomorrow.

We each left that brunch feeling soooo refreshed. It was so so so so good to gather with intentionality and bacon too of course.



P.S. Do you have a word for 2014? if so, I want to hear from you! Blog about it or comment below :)