Words give life

So as you know, I had a super fun time being at Spark last weekend. On Saturday I had the privilege of doing the girls hub. Speaking to young girls is probably one of my favourite things to do!! A couple weeks back I was all set on speaking about dreams, how when you live your dreams, you find yourself living fully alive. But early last week I felt a tug in my heart to go in a different direction...I felt led to speak on body image and the power of speaking words of life over ourselves and others.

I shared last August about my struggle with self loathing/body image and I'm sooooooo excited to tell you that Jesus has set me COMPLETELY free of it all....for reals...completely free. I walked with that stuff since I was 11 years old...ELEVEN YEARS OLD....aka 17 years!!! I thought that it would be something I would struggle with my whole life and I was okay with that. But praise God, for he desires us to walk and live in FREEDOM. 

A huge part of seeing victory in this area was me continually speaking words of life over myself instead of shaming myself with negativity.

Words kill, words give life;
    they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.

-Proverbs 18:21 MSG

There is power in our words, and I really tried to drill it in that speaking words of life (God's truth) over ourselves has massive benefits to our well being!! 

At the end of my talk to the girls, I had them visualize themselves in front of a mirror and be honest in what they see. I then had them visualize God push away the mirror, put his hands on their shoulders, look into their eyes and start speaking his truth over them. I then showed the video below (thank you Shawna for directing me to this incredible video!!!)


Let's be people who speak words of life over ourselves and others!

