10 years ago I walked into my first ever women's conference. There I was surrounded by thousands of women with an anticipation that God was going to move. I had never heard a woman preach in my small experience of church so I had no idea what to expect. Well let's just say, I WAS BLOWN OUTTA THE WATER! Those speakers could PREACH. I saw God use women in a bold and powerful way and I was never the same.

One of those speakers, Christine Caine (who happens to be my favourite preacher EVER), recently launched an online magazine called Propel that's all about empowering women to lead. When I first saw it I was like YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS! They're all about equipping women, no matter what season they're in, to lead. Whether you're a stay at home mom, lawyer, high school student, pastor, barista or wherever you are placed at the moment...I encourage you to go to Propel's website and sign up for their first issue!

I believe, that no matter what season you are in, God has called you to lead. When God created Eve, he used the Hebrew word- עֵ֫זֶר (ezer) to describe her. 

18 And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” -Genesis 2:18

Now ezer is a term that God uses to describe himself throughout the Bible. (Psalm 33:20, Psalm 70:5, Psalm 115, and way more...)If God used this term to describe himself, surely he didn't mean that woman would be some weak "helper" designed to be below man. At a conference earlier this year, Sarah Bessey shared that this "helper" could be described as man's greatest ally. We women were designed to lead. Not over men, not under men but alongside men.

So let this be an encouragement, to find the leader within you and tell her (or him) that God has called you to lead, unapologetically.


Stay gold,
