It's late August and I'm getting the feeling that I get EVERY SINGLE YEAR at this time. Back to school shopping is in full swing and I'm experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms even though I graduated 11 YEARS AGO. (oh my gosh I'm soooo old) But honestly, I walk through walmart and want to buy all the things....please tell me I'm not alone.

Thankfully us "adults", have these things called office supplies and they're prettier than ever and we can totally go back to school shopping too...right??


1. Gold Stapler
2. BUSY Agenda
3. Pastel Pens
4. Floral Pencil Case
5. Polka Dot File Folders
6. Coffee Tumbler

I own that agenda and coffee tumbler and I use them ALL THE TIME. #BANDOGIRLGANG 4EVA! I'm heading back to work today after being on holidays for a week and I'm actually sooo excited. I guess that's a sign that I really love my job?? :)

I'm still not ready for summer to be over...but seriously it's getting so cold here and darker so much earlier and my heart is all like noooooo. What are you feeling? Excited for fall or want to hold on to summer a bit longer??




Outdoor party idea

My birthday is coming (August 28th, incase you were wondering ;) and this year I'm throwing a backyard bash. In my early 20s I loved hosting huge themed birthday parties (i.e. Hairspray themed, Pretentious Party, Trashtastic, Gangsta, etc) but for the past few years I've had more intimate gatherings. I know my 30th (next year...aaahhh!) will be real big (& golden) so this year I'm throwing a dinner party in our backyard. I'm thinking a summer-boho vibe... lights, low table, wildflowers in jars, candles, rugs and pillows. 

Obviously I went to my number one source for inspiration (PINTEREST)...and here's what vibe I'm digging.

Boho Backyard Dinner Party
Backyard party
Boho Dinner Party
let's gather

1 & 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6

How good are all of those?? So much inspiration to drool over...and that food above (#GOALS) ???!

Have you had a backyard dinner party? If so, I'd love some tips!!





Happy Friday everyone! Today I have yet another room for you..the office/stuido !! So far you've seen the suite (before & after!)kitchenliving roommaster bedroom,  dining room & bathroomNow it's time to actually start working on the rooms, ha. Our office/studio is the least's the room I throw all the things that I don't know what to do with, ha. BUT our desks are set up and there will be more improvements soon! But after all the other rooms....

Here's what our studio space looked like when we moved in...sans all the junk...and that scary baby carriage....

Office before photo

Ah, I can't believe how dark the floors were! So thankful that James decided to refinish them before we moved in. We picked this room for the office because it gets great afternoon light. We set up James' desk under the window and mine against the wall on the left but that's all we've done. So much to do but I think this may be one of the last rooms to get done...for now I'll just keep peeping pinterest.

Here's what I'm digging....

1 // 2 // 3 // 4

How good are those spaces? Now I could get some work done in there!!!

Hope you have a fabulous weekend! We're having a shower for Rachel, can't believe the wedding is NEXT WEEK!!!




image via

I can't believe I've shared almost all of the befores of our house! So far you've seen the suite (before & after!), kitchen, living room, master bedroom & dining room. All that's left after the bathroom is the office/studio and guest bedroom.

Now the bathroom is the room that most definitely did not win me over....

The old owners had a serious "under the sea" vibe going on. Now don't get me wrong, I love the little mermaid but I do not want the little mermaid or any of her fishy friends in my bathroom. 

We immediately painted the whole thing white which made a world of difference. We (and by we I mean Mike, my brother in law) put in an awesome super powerful yet super quiet fan. It was very weird that there were NO FANS in either the upstairs or downstairs bathrooms. All this talk about fans is riveting hey? 

We obviously still have a ton of things to out that piece of wood over the's very odd, it makes showering very dark, add tile to the place, redo the floors and counter top...this again will be a pricey reno so it will have to wait till the time is right but in the meantime I'm free to plan and dream! Here's what I've been dreaming about for this space:

1 // 2 // 3

Obviously I'm all about the subway tiles for the bathroom. I also want to do a cute penny tile somewhere...maybe the floor? And I'm really digging having a lot of black masculine elements. BUT I'm also (big surprise) tossing around the idea of a lot of gold...but I think black is winning me over...!!

To see what else is inspiring me follow my DREAM HOME board on pinterest! 

Hope you have an amazing day!




kitchen inspiration

You've seen the before photos of our living room, dining room, and master and now we arrive at the kitchen. Our current kitchen needs a whole lot of work. This is a BIIIGGGG project. We have BIG plans for this one...but before we talk, let's show you the photos...

It's not the exact type of kitchen that's screaming...BAKE COOKIES IN ME but it's alright for now...and let me tell you, I've already baked dozens and dozens of cookies in it. :)

I am thankful for the cupboard space and also for the fact that the cupboards are white and not some crazzzy bright colour BUT I have BIG dreams for this space.

First of all, we're planning on taking down that brick wall...before you say WHHHYYYY I LOOOOVE THE BRICK!!!, let me tell's a FAUX brick wall. Yeah, so we're planning on smashing it down. During the crazy renos in December, James and my pops actually climbed up into the attic and secured whatever they needed to secure so we can do that in the future #lovethem.

So the wall will come down and we will have an open concept with an island FO SHO. When it comes to the rest of the kitchen, I'm sooo indecisive... good thing I have a long time to dream while we save up some $$$ for this massive project.

Here's what's inspiring me in the meantime...

 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5

I'm all about those cute fluffy stools. And a farmhouse sink...and subway tiles...and butcher block countertop...part of me wants all marble but I know we will never be able to afford that..oh this will be a fun reno! In due time due time...

Hope you have an amazing weekend! It's raining here in ol Victoria which makes me sad because of all the glorious weather we've been happening. We're having a clothing/garbage sale on Saturday so pleeease pray for sun and come on by if you're a local!

Happy Friday!!

