*insert emoji hallelujah hands* WHAT A WEEKEND!!!! Seriously, Illuminate 2015 was out of this world! I still can't stop smiling. Over 300 girls and volunteers gathered and man oh man did we ever PARTAY!!!

First of all, I want to thank the incredible team of volunteers who worked their butts off!!! We could not have done what we did without you! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

This year's theme was BRAVE! God was calling His daughters to step out and live the BRAVE lives He has called them to. We were BORN TO BE BRAVE!

So many highlights!! But here's a few:

  • Seeing 46 girls make decisions for Jesus on Friday night (I will never ever get tired of that!!!)
  • Seeing our team just KILL IT!!!!
  • Hearing from my friends Jenna Liesch & Kim Moran and also testimonies from so brave you Kristy!!
  • Hanging out with my new friend in ministry (& our first official house guest) ya girl!
  • Seeing pure JOY on the girls' faces as massive balloons were dropped and we all celebrated what God has done!


There were lots of other highlights but I'm way too tired to type them all out! I'm looking forward to hearing the testimonies & seeing the fruit that will come out of Illuminate 2015...already I'm SO pumped for Illuminate 2016...yeeehaaaaaw!

FYI- I'll be back to regular blogging now (3x or maybe even more each week)! Thanks for letting me take that little break and thank you for following along!

Love you to the moon & back,



love never fails

Oh goodness this could be a long post. It could also be a post I can look back on in twenty years and LOL at. I do realize I'm a rookie when it comes to marriage. 2.5 years can still be considered newlywed life! So do forgive me if I sound naive, I'm no marriage expert!

Since we've been talking about relationships the past few days (here are the posts... Not Settling, My #1 Relationship Rule, Dancing with Myself) it's about time I talked about marriage!!

So what can I say about marriage?

1. It's crazy hard yet crazy amazing.

And I guess that's a thing you can guarantee about will be awesome but it will be hard. When you love someone, you have to be vulnerable. You just can't love without vulnerability. And when we are vulnerable, when we trust someone with our delicate hearts, we will get's inevitable. People are people and we make mistakes. C.S. Lewis says it best, so let's let him take it away....

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”
- C.S. Lewis

To be honest, James and I have had many ups and many downs in our marriage. We've had high seasons and we've had low seasons. Things have been really good and things have been really hard. But through it all, we have fought for our marriage. Whether it has been one of us or both of us, we have persevered, we haven't given up.

There are some verses from 1 Corinthians 13 which have been such an encouragement and anchor to remind me how I ought to love James. I have these words written on a sticky note on my work computer and honestly I find myself reading them at least once a week.

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

This is the type of love that I vowed to love James with. A love that is not surface level but has incredibly deep roots. On that day, 2.5 years ago, I vowed to love him with a love that always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres.

Through the easy times, obviously it has been easy to love him in this way but ahhhh through those painstaking seasons, it has been hard BUT it has been worth it.

2. Know your best days are before you.

Our motto for our marriage has been, "Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be." I will view our marriage through the eyes of HOPE. Through the 2.5 years, things have only gotten better as we have grown closer. And I know we have many many future obstacles but God has been so faithful and I know that is not going to change so I refuse to look to the future with a pessimistic view. I believe wholeheartedly that the best is yet to be.

3. Prayer changes things.

Pray for your spouse. Every single day. Prayer works and changes things. #nuffsaid

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Hope you have the BEST day whether you are in a relationship or not. Know that you are LOVED!!!!!!




Surely the righteous will never be shaken;
    they will be remembered forever.
 They will have no fear of bad news;
    their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
 Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear.

-Psalm 112

May my heart be secure, ever trusting in Him.

Happy Sunday!



P.S. Need some more encouragement? Check out these other Sunday Stills:


8 sleeps until Christmas. Eiiggggghhhhttttttt!!!! Our apartment is in shambles. Half packed boxes, messy kitchen, don't even get me started on the bedroom....We got possession of OUR HOME on Monday and now James is working crazy hard to get the walls and floors done before we move in at the end of the month. I'm freaking out a little bit.

And if I'm not careful, Christmas may pass me by.

Can anyone else relate to this? Swamped with exams....Christmas party after Christmas party...insane work season...never ending shopping list... Isn't it ironic that perhaps all the activities that are supposed to make you enjoy the season, are actually doing the opposite? Does it seem like Christmas is passing you by?

Almost every Christmas, I've had a real tree. Not some little Charlie Brown excuse of a tree, but a big, bustling, at least 7 foot tall sucker. This year because of the move, we didn't get one. It would have been crazy to take out our Christmas box and move a tree two days after Christmas.

But on Saturday, I couldn't take it anymore. I knew our home needed something. I couldn't stand not having any decorations up. So I grabbed some washi tape and made a makeshift Christmas tree, wrapped some presents and placed them on a sheepskin. I was determined to not let Christmas pass me by.

Christmas is not meant to merely pass by us. Christmas is meant to be soaked in. To be pondered. To be reflected upon. To be sipped slowly like a steaming hot peppermint mocha on a cold day.

I can't help but think of Mary in this season. Mary, the brave young woman who birthed God's gift to us, Jesus Christ. Things were craaazy for her. Visited by an Angel, travelling on a donkey at 9 months pregnant, birthing Christ in a barn, shepherds coming to see baby Jesus full of glorious stories of chorus' of angels telling them of the Messiah's birth. Now that is a lot to handle. But I love what it says about Mary in Luke 2:19... 

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

She took it all in. Among the bustle, she let all the beauty, the thrill, the magnificence sink deep into her heart. 

I'm so inspired by Mary. I'm determined to not let Christmas pass me by. Amidst the insanity, I'm challenged to be still. To ponder and reflect on the beauty, thrill, magnificence of Christmas... Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us. Let's soak it in this Christmas.

Who's with me?

Love you to the moon & back,


P.S. HUGE thank you to all of you who filled out the Reader Survey from Monday. I love hearing your feedback! If you haven't had time to do it, I'll still be receiving responses. It means so much to me that you would take the time out of your hectic day to help improve this site, thank you xo


10 years ago I walked into my first ever women's conference. There I was surrounded by thousands of women with an anticipation that God was going to move. I had never heard a woman preach in my small experience of church so I had no idea what to expect. Well let's just say, I WAS BLOWN OUTTA THE WATER! Those speakers could PREACH. I saw God use women in a bold and powerful way and I was never the same.

One of those speakers, Christine Caine (who happens to be my favourite preacher EVER), recently launched an online magazine called Propel that's all about empowering women to lead. When I first saw it I was like YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS! They're all about equipping women, no matter what season they're in, to lead. Whether you're a stay at home mom, lawyer, high school student, pastor, barista or wherever you are placed at the moment...I encourage you to go to Propel's website and sign up for their first issue!

I believe, that no matter what season you are in, God has called you to lead. When God created Eve, he used the Hebrew word- עֵ֫זֶר (ezer) to describe her. 

18 And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” -Genesis 2:18

Now ezer is a term that God uses to describe himself throughout the Bible. (Psalm 33:20, Psalm 70:5, Psalm 115, and way more...)If God used this term to describe himself, surely he didn't mean that woman would be some weak "helper" designed to be below man. At a conference earlier this year, Sarah Bessey shared that this "helper" could be described as man's greatest ally. We women were designed to lead. Not over men, not under men but alongside men.

So let this be an encouragement, to find the leader within you and tell her (or him) that God has called you to lead, unapologetically.


Stay gold,
