Can I first just say how much I love my husband? He built me (and I guess him and anyone else who uses our bathroom) a bathroom and it's the best thing ever. Our bathroom reno is complete and it was worth not having a shower for the last eight weeks of pregnancy and 5 days postpartum..lols

The difference in what it was and what it is now is INSANE...imagine the craziest makeover on that show What Not to Wear and times it by 100.

Incase you forgot, here is what the bathroom looked like when we viewed the house...

YIIIKEES. My biggest pet peeve was not the green counter tops or the random mirrors but the hutch above the bathtub. The shower was so dark and so much moisture got trapped on the ceiling. I couldn't wait to see that come down.

It's night and day different. I told you I have the greatest husband in the world! Oh, and if you're local to Victoria, BC and want to hire him to reno or paint your space, check out his facebook page! James planned it all out and did the work himself. We had some help with plumbing and electrical (huge thanks to Isaiah and Mike!!) and our friend Tim helped tile the tub (thanks Tim!!!)

One of my favourite features is the bathtub with the rain shower. The bathtub is extra deep and extra amazing. And that shower head was worth waiting 6 weeks for..ha!

Another cool feature is the built in closet James added in. Our hallway linen closet is extra deep, which means a ton of wasted space...so James cut in and added that unit which gives us more storage.

The sink unit is from Ikea. I looove how the drawers pull out. So much storage for makeup and hair supplies!

My other favourite feature is the heated floor! Nothing beats stepping on to warm tiles and Luca loves laying on the warm bathmat so it's a win win.

So there you have it, our fully completed bathroom. Comment below if you have any questions!



black and white bathroom

Our bathroom reno has officially started! I forgot what living under renos was like....not ideal for a almost 34 week pregnant lady but it could be worse. Thankfully my dad lives around the corner and his suite is empty right now! 

About one year ago, I posted what our bathroom looked like when we bought the house. The old owners defs had an under the sea vibe going on. We painted it white and added a fan and it remained my least favourite room in the house. The tub was old and gross...so gross that I refused to have a bath in it..hahah 

But the day has come and James is making our bathroom dreams come true! After it's all said and done, I'll get him to write a post on everything that we did. We've been buying things slowly over the past two months which has been awesome because we've been able to find some good deals. We decided to go with the white and black vibe...here are a couple photos that are inspiring us...

1 // 2 // 3

So far we've changed out the lighting to pot lights along the ceiling (my brother in law did that, if you need an electrician, he's your guy!), and put the new bath tub in which you can see in the photos below. Tonight James is planning on fitting the drywall in the tub area so he can start the subway tile tomorrow! 


Wooohooo, exciting (BUT CRAZY) times!



Nursery Inspiration

We've entered full out nesting mode. James wants to get as many projects done around the house before The Lion comes and I couldn't agree more. I'm not much help because I can't move very much but I can pin...oh, I can pin. We were originally going to put the nursery in our guest bedroom but after some discussion and practical planning, we decided to keep the spare bedroom for students in the fall and instead combine the office into a nursery/studio.

It saddens my heart a bit to squeeze baby in a small space but thankfully one of my BFFs (Courtney, I LOVE YOU) used to work at Pottery Barn Kids where she would help plan stunning nurseries in tiny Vancouver apartments! So Courtney came over the other night and helped me plan it out and I'm beyond excited to get started!

Here's what's inspiring me....

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6

I'm attracted to sweet and simple. Cool tones with a touch of natural wood. Here is what the current office/nursery looked like when we moved in... 

YIIKEEES. Everything looks so different now. The picture makes it look a lot smaller than it is and our refinished floors and white paint definitely made it a lot brighter. We also installed new blinds. 

For the longest time we had James' music desk underneath the window and my desk on the left side with a shelf above it. This month we moved my desk out to the living room/dining room and now have to move James' desk over to the right side. We're planning on putting the glider/rocking chair in the corner under the shelves on the left side with the crib against the wall. We'll put the dresser/change table on the wall across from it. Speaking of dresser/change table...James found this one on used vic that was green and dark wood. We planned on painting it in the near future but James surprised me with this...

How stunning is that dresser! Just wait till you see it in natural lighting all set up with a cute changing station and the cutest baby boy on top....eeeeeee! I'll be back soon with some more plans!



Do you buy something for your sweetheart for valentines? We don't get gifts for each other at Valentines but I did request a card and chocolate because pregnancy + chocolate = a dang good combo. If you need a cute card, I got you covered (CLICK HERE FOR FREE PRINTABLE VALENTINES CARDS!) But honestly, Valentines decor/gifts makes me so happy. I just can't get enough of pale pink, red, and hearts so obviously I made a gift guide!

Valentines Inspired Gift Guide!

1. Earrings
2. BLAH BLAH BLAH Notebook
3. Dark Hearted Water Bottle
4. Gold Lipstick Mug
5. Candle
6. Heart Dish

Ahhhhh, isn't that heart dish soooo cute??! I need it in my life. I own that lipstick mug and I love it to pieces. I also purchased that candle on our way to Ucluelet and I am happy to report, it smells AHMAZING!

Love you like XO,


Entryway Update

Happy Monday everybody! Hope you all had an awesome weekend. We added another homestay student to our family...so now I'm cooking for FOUR...I guess I'm just getting some good mom training for the future then? 

Well it's been awhile since I've shown you some house updates! We haven't done any crazy reno's but we're pretty much settled into every room so I can start showing you what we're up to and some plans for the future.

So let's have a look at what our entryway used to look like....

The entry way is on the far left. I don't have an original photo of it but you can see it had some nasty linoleum. In January we decided to get rid of it and replace it with tiles.

Scraping off the linoleum was some treacherous work!!! And PS how good do our floors look? (James refinished them and hopefully soon I'll get my stuff together and do a post on that!) So after we scraped off the old floor, James laid down the tiles. Oh and he also painted the door a nice dark grey!

entry way update!

What a difference those tiles make! Oh and James also added baseboard which made a huge difference! We also installed a cute light from Ikea. But it's a small space and I want to jazz it up. I don't want to do anything huge because it really is such a small space but I want it to be a bit more exciting. 

What I really want to do is wallpaper/wall decal/paint the wall on the right.

entrance way update

Because it's such a small wall, I really want to do something fun! Here's what I'm thinking...

Wallpaper Ideas

1. Gold Dots 2. Cactus 3. Blue Triangles 4. Florals

Now how cute are those selections!!! It makes me really excited about finishing this space. I looove the cacti but I think they may be a little bit too trendy and go out of style in a few years. The gold dots are totally me but totally predictable. Now those triangles and those blooms...#swoon. Which one is your favourite?

Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

Stay gold,