Well it's time to celebrate because WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!! As I mentioned before, our offer on this home was accepted and last Friday all the subjects were removed.

Our home story...

We've been looking at houses online since the summer. After conference, we started looking more seriously, setting up showings with our realtor. We saw this house early November and we loved it. It's in a great neighbourhood, only a couple blocks from my dad's house. It has three bedrooms up top and a 1 bedroom suite below (who wants to be our tenant?!?!) It has a big backyard that's fully fenced.  We loved it and were seriously thinking about it.

But then someone else put an offer on it. I admit, I was pretty crushed. When we walked into that house, I could see us living there. But we couldn't do anything, so we had to let that house go.

But a couple days before their closing date, I got a feeling that the deal wasn't going to go through. I even chatted to our realtor and he contacted the seller's realtor and everything was going fine...but then at 4pm on the day of their closing, we got a phone call from our realtor...the deal hadn't gone through! We moved in on it and lo and behold WE HAVE A HOME!


I want to thank you all for all your prayer, support and encouragement!! We get possession on December 15th and cannot wait to move in!!

Happy Monday!




When the big moving day comes (things are looking good on the house front...inspection is this week!!) I'll actually be pretty sad to say goodbye to our first home together. I won't be sad to say peace out to single pane windows and green walls but let's focus on the good right now....

Our location is so prime, it takes me one minute to walk to Cook Street Village Starbucks. My regular running route is along Dallas Road. Our apartment has huge windows and is south facing so great light at all times. It has a unique layout that makes it feel way bigger than it is. It's character style, which is beautiful. We have a great private deck off our bedroom....I could go on and on!!!

This place has treated us well but I realized I hadn't given a proper house tour EVER! My bad! I guess I never have because I feel it's never been fully done...but I have taken some pictures along the way and today I have my "office" for you. My current "office" consists of my desk in the corner of the living room. It's good for now, but in the future I'd love a bigger desk top and some drawers under and a beautiful lamp... :)

Cute Office Space
Cute Office Space
Cute Office Space
Cute Office Space

Gold Polka Dot Notebook // Rifle Paper Notepad // Gold Letter

So there you have it...my current office space. Can't wait to dream for our new space!! Follow me on Pinterest to see what's inspiring me :)

Happy Monday!




Well hello there! Sorry things around S.S.Heart have been a little quiet...life has been CRAY! Awesome...but very full! I spoke at Spark last weekend...so much fun. It was so awesome to see pre-teens excited about Jesus. On Saturday I spoke to the girls about body image (read more about my journey here), which was so much fun and I'll share more tomorrow about that!

And in other news...we put in an offer on a house and IT WAS ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!! James is currently watching youtube videos on refinishing floors and I'm pinning like crazy. Now we just pray and wait for the subjects to be removed...this real estate game is a crazy one! I'll be back soon with more news!

I made a November calendar to get this space organized and thought I would share it with you...xo

Download your November calendar here! 

Snowflake graphics from - We Lived Happily Ever After


Stay gold,



P.S. Here's the first post about us starting to house hunt



Did you know there are only seven Fridays left until CHRISTMAS!!? SEVEN!! Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? We started the other night with shopping for our Operation Christmas Child Boxes. You've probably heard of OCC but if you haven't, OCC is an amazing program through Samaritan's Purse that delivers Christmas presents to kids all over the world. James shopped for a little boy and I shopped for a little girl. We had so much fun filling those boxes with toys, school supplies and clothing. I highly encourage it!

Well my first holiday gift guide is for lovers of gold. Happy Christmas shopping season!!

How cute is everything? I'm especially eyeing that gold lipstick mug!

How do you manage your Christmas shopping? Are you an early shopper or a last minute type of person? I like to say I'm a planner but really, I usually get it done last minute on my lunch hours in those final days before Christmas!

Stay gold,




WE'RE BUYING A HOUSE!!!! Well...looking to buy a house....

A few months back James & I started the process of looking for a house. It's a crazy, surreal thing and makes me feel like a reeeeeal adult. Scary but so good. It's a complete miracle that this is able to happen and I am so grateful.

We can't wait to find a home that we can start a family in.

When we first started the process we wrote down things that we were looking for. Some of those things included:

  • Natural light
  • Yard
  • Nearish to downtown (No westshore for us)
  • At least two bedrooms
  • Extra room or potential studio space for James
  • Dining area
  • Suite (hello income!)

We've seen four houses so far and the latest one has a lot of potential...it was the only one that I could actually see us living in. We have a few more to peep this weekend but who knows, we could have potentially found our home.....eeeeeeeeee!

Naturally, I've been pinning house interiors non-stop. I cannot wait to have some new projects!!

Here's what's been inspiring me lately...

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7

See more of my house inspiration on my Pinterest Board!


 How gorgeous are those spaces? I can't wait till we find a space that we can make our own!!

We've been googling everything on the home buying process but obviously we are totally newbies. If you have any home buying advice please comment below or send me an email!!

Until next time,
