All of my life, I've aways pictured being a momma to a little girl. I'm a girlie girl. I love getting dressed up and playing with makeup. I'm a passionate believer that girls can be preachers, presidents, etc, etc. For goodness sake, I started a conference for girls and have held it for 7 years because I believe in empowering girls!
In every daydream about the future, I'd have a few kids but a girl would always be my firstborn. I'd encourage her that she was loved and valued and that her voice mattered. She would know that she was more than just a pretty face, that God had an incredible purpose for her and that she could dream big and not let her gender limit her. I couldn't wait to raise my baby girl.
But then I found out I was having a boy. And to be honest, I kinda knew it was a boy but I was hoping for a girl. Right after God told me I was pregnant I found myself addressing my belly as "little guy" was natural instinct. But my hope for a girl outweighed my gut feeling that I was having a boy. Throughout the first 20 weeks, I mainly looked at girls' many cute pink things. I envisioned a pink and gold nursery. I had convinced my heart that I was carrying a girl.
Fast forward to right before our guess was a boy but there was still a little piece of hope that we were having a girl. So we go in and marvel at the video of our beautiful baby. There is something so incredible about seeing your baby moving. It was also the first ultrasound that James' was able to attend, so that made it extra special. We had a student conduct the ultrasound and thank goodness we were finding out because she dropped "he" at least three times...haha. We were also pretty sure as we spotted what looked like a little boy part..ha! Afterwards I stalked my doctor's office until they could tell me the results and yes, they confirmed, I was having a boy.