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There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. 16 You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. 17 This is my command: Love each other.
-John 15:13-17

7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
-Romans 5:7-8

It's Good Friday. It's a big day for me. For some it may only be an extra day off work. But for everyone it's a day where the greatest act of love took place. This act was for you, for me, for believers, for unbelievers, for everyone.
Christ died for us so we could know and experience full love and life with God.

You are dearly loved and were worth dying for.




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I'm a naturally positive person. Positivity is my second highest strength on my strengths finder. When I come across negativity, I can actually feel my insides turning. I hate it. I usually run in the opposite direction. I like people to be happy. I'm naturally a people pleaser. So when people say hurtful things about me, I get real upset. BUT I've come to terms with the fact that not everyone is going to like me. Everybody has issues and sadly, people like to take those issues out on other people. Sometimes people say really hurtful things to your face or behind your back. 

Funny story...I once received a very in depth email (it was a general info email address that I would read and respond to) ABOUT ME. Yes, the email was complaining about me. LOLs At first I was shocked and sad but then I just had to laugh it off because it was kinda ridiculous that I just so happened to be the person receiving the mean email...

But sometimes I don't laugh. Sometimes I hear certain things and I get very upset. And I know some of you out there may be in this boat. Well, today I have some advice from you that could help you out when you have to deal with the haters....



Not everyone is going to be your biggest fan and you need to be ok with that. I had this issue last year where I found out that people were not saying the kindest things about me. At first I was furious but when I got home and had a chance to clear my head, I turned on some music and literally danced it off. The great philosopher of our day, T Swift wrote a killer song about this..."And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake...shake it off, shake it off." 

When I dance it out, I literally see the negativity and hate fall off my shoulders. You do not need to let those negative voices define you! And take note- when you dance, you gotta go all out and have fun while you're doing it. Seriously, this is very important!!! Soon enough you'll start smiling and know that the haters can keep on hatin and that's ok because you are going to keep on shining. #cantstopwontstop
P.S. I highly recommend these songs- "Shake it Off", "Uptown Funk", "Two of Hearts", "Don't Stop till You Get Enough"


I went to this conference a number of years ago where Mark Driscoll shared in one of the sessions. I can't really remember what he was speaking on but I kinda remember it being on idols...anyways he said this statement that totally stood out to me "Turn your critics into coaches."

Now I'm not saying, analyze and give that person a voice in your life but examine what they said. Maybe there is some truth in it? You don't owe the haters but we're all works in progress and maybe there are some things you can improve on.

Allow their words to bring out the best in you, not the worst in you.


thick skin & soft heart

When I'm dealing with haters, I'm naturally inclined to get my stuff together, work my butt off and prove to them that I'm fully capable. I develop a thick skin and an even thicker heart, and that is NO GOOD. 

You have to remember that people are people. No one is perfect. Everyone is dealing with their own stuff and hurt people hurt people. Sometimes people say mean things out of an insecurity, past hurt, etc....Lord knows, I've done that before.

When I was at Hillsong London's night leadership classes all those years ago, I learned that I needed to have thick skin and a soft heart.
Thick skin to not let issues, people, etc get me down but to also have a soft heart, that genuinely cares for people.

Jesus says it best in Matthew 5:44- “You’re familiar with the old written law, ‘Love your friend,’ and its unwritten companion, ‘Hate your enemy.’ I’m challenging that. I’m telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created selves."

Now this is a hard one for me. I'm Italian and I'm reeeeeaaal good at holding grudges BUT God's been working on my heart, softening it. 

I'm not saying, continue to give someone authority in your life to speak negative things over you. I'm saying, pray for them. Bless them. Who knows what God could do with the situation....

But keep on shining like a diamond girl...don't let anyone dull that sparkle!




Ohhh hey there friends!! Today I have a TREAT for you! My beautiful friend, Sarah is sharing all about her one word for 2015...enjoy xoxo

As I prayed about and pondered my one-word for 2015, I arrived at a simple word:


I like adventure.  I'm a dreamer and I love having projects on the go and keeping busy.  I like to make lists and achieve as much as humanly possible.  To be honest, the word  'stay' seemed rather boring.   Considering I visited ten countries in 2014, the word seemed to mock me.   How would it be possible to have grand adventures if I was simply supposed to 'stay' this year?   That didn't seem like any fun at all!

But what if I had the wrong idea about the word?   What if I could apply it in a different context?   According to Wikipedia, "Stay the course" is a phrase used in the context of a war or battle meaning to pursue a goal regardless of any obstacles or criticism.

I have some hopes, dreams, and goals for this upcoming year.   All of these will require me to do the work and stay the course.   It's easy to be motivated when the sun is shining and the birds singing, but another thing to work out when it's cold and gloomy and I haven't yet seen any results; to say no to a beautiful new outfit if it doesn't fit my budget this month; to write another proposal at work even if the last three prospects have rejected me.

I've always been a very loyal, committed *cough cough STUBBORN* individual.   When I decide to do something, very little will change my mind.  For me, the hardest part is making the original decision.   That being said, I am not a naturally patient person.  I want things NOW!   I will admit to hounding my loved ones THREE DAYS after beginning a new fitness regime in 2015, asking if they could tell any difference in my personal appearance (sorry about that... but seriously, can you?!).

While I was writing this post, I came across a quote from Christine Caine, a leader I admire.   Her words seemed very fitting for 2015:

"To fulfill purpose you have to STAY THE COURSE:
When it's hard - STAY
When it's painful - STAY
When it's boring - STAY
When it's unfair - STAY
When it's lonely - STAY"


Staying the course will mean I have to keep at something, even if I don't see immediate results.  A Pastor in town once told me, "boot after boot, step after step, just keep walking.  One day you'll look back and see how far you've come."

Stay.  Stay the course.

Awwe, thank you so much for sharing Sarah!!! Excited to see what's in store for you this year :)

I have more one words to post but I'd love to hear yours! And if you want to post yours, please email me at 

Previous 2015 one words- Mine & our one word brunch!

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Today is my day off after a crraaazy Sunday. Excited to rest, run and work on homework (obvs not excited about that last




Last month some friends and I gathered for the annual One Word breakfast. (Check out that post here!) We ate, laughed, chatted and all shared our one words for 2015. This is my fourth year with a one word (check out previous ones...2012, 2013, 2014)! For those of you new to this space, one word for the year stemmed from this site. It's all about forgetting crazy, unachievable new years resolutions and instead choosing a word to define your year. Every year I pray about it and every year God gives me a word to define the year.

My one word for 2015 is strong.

At the end of last year, I started to reflect and pray about what my word for 2015 would be. One night as I was going to sleep the verse "be strong and courageous" (Joshua 1:6) kept going through my mind. Whenever I've read that verse in the past, I would always see it as encouraging me to have courage, to not fear...but this time around I felt like BE STRONG was being highlighted, bolded AND italicized. I kept thinking about that word strong and what it means to be strong and soon enough I knew, that was my one word for 2015. 

Early January I came across two different verses on being strong...

"Strength is for service not status." -Romans 15 MSG

Suddenly I knew...this ain't about me. God spoke to my heart, "I'm not making you strong to elevate you, I'm making you strong to serve others." He has given me strength and I believe will continue to strengthen me this year to serve others, to help others, to love others. I love people. My favourite thing to do in ministry is counselling people. I love sitting down with someone (over good coffee obvs!) and hearing about their lives. Seriously, I leave most counselling appointments refreshed and filled with joy. It gets my blood pumping to see people walk through life and experience victory.  He's making me strong to serve others. Service over status. 

"All praise to the one who is strong enough to make you strong."- Romans 16

This second verse spoke directly to my fear. In those times of weakness, in those times when life is hard, in the low times, I don't have to fear that I'm unable to be "strong". I am strong because I trust in the one who is strong enough to make me strong. 

Already this year, I have faced trials...there have been many tears shed BUT He has been faithful. I've felt strength rise up in me as I remember who is with God...who is strong enough to make me strong.

So I say bring it 2015. I may not be ready for all the curve balls you throw at me and the people I love but I know the One who can handle it all and He will give me all the strength I need.




P.S. Do you have a one word for 2015? I'd love to hear all about it!! AND I'd love to post it here on the blog! Email me at


One Word Breakfast

Hey! Remember when we gathered last year for a one word brunch? Well we did it again this year!!

Good friends + breakfast + opening up and talking about your life = THE BEST.

I made these waffles and all the girls brought over a dish to share. We had food upon food upon food...#booyah.

(All photos by the lovely, Amy Gary!! Be sure to check out her site!)

Um how stunning are my friends!!
And those bagels are from Mt. Royal Bagel Factory. The BEST place to get bagels in Victoria.

And that Sarah!! #bombshell
And my goodness...there's a sneak peek into my very un-styled living room/entry way. But it's coming along..still have LOTS OF PLANS!!!

Because all breakfasts including waffles need nutella, riiiiiight!! 

So Amy (the one who took the photos..funny story, there were THREE Amys at this breakfast party!!) had the brilliant idea of making our one words into a water colour. BRILLIANT. They all turned out incredibly!

It was such a great time together. We each shared the word that God had laid on our hearts for 2015. Again I am sooo amazed at how uniquely He spoke to each of us. There's something so special about gathering with intentionality with your girlfriends. Here's to building others up instead of tearing others down.

 I'll be sharing my one word SOON and then get ready for posts by these amazing women!

Got a question about one words? Basically it's listening or choosing one word to define your year! Here are mine from 2014, 2013 & 2012.

And now I'm craving waffles all over again......

Hope you have an amazing day!

