What a weekend.

If you follow me on instagram, you'll know that I was at She Loves Conference at Relate Church this past weekend. I've been going for the past four years and honestly, it is one of the biggest highlights of the year. As you may know, part of my job is putting on two major conferences in my church, so it's really, really, really nice to get away and attend a conference where I don't have to do anything..ha.

This year was my favourite so far. The conference is led by the incredible Helen Burns. She is the most encouraging person I know, champions other people, and is just so genuinely lovely!!! 

There were SO many highlights this year. Here are a few...

-God spoke to me through every single speaker. Helen burns, Angela Doell, Sarah Bessey, Monica Prescott and my goodness, Caroline Leaf (BLEW MY MIND).

-Hanging out with friends was so so so so good. We came with a massive bus of ladies (& our incredible driver, Pastor Don). I shared a room with my besties (CADTOOL 4 LYFE). And it was sooooo amazing to finally meet the lovely, Jenna Liesch in person (we've been friends on social media for a year now, ha).

-Relate sets the bar high for serving. Their team is incredible and thinks of everything! I was wowed by the decor. And they just do the best job of making you feel loved and welcomed.

-I shared briefly on a panel about impacting the next generation. It was such an honour!! 

-Being in God's presence with 700 other ladies is just so incredible. Jesus is so good.

I came home with a VERY full heart and so much excitement for what God has in store for the ladies in Victoria.

If you were at the conference, what were your highlights??




Today's one word is from one of the lovely youth girls that I lead. I've known Julia for almost two years and I can say for sure, that she knows and loves God. It makes my heart sparkle to see young girls live out their faith. She wants to be a pastor and I truly believe she will be one. (She's one of the reasons why I'm so passionate that about seeing women empowered in the church!!) Take it away lovely Julia...


Laura is an amazing role model to me. I have loved having her guide me and lead me these past couple of years. When I first heard about Laura’s one word idea, I thought it was an interesting approach to goal setting. I’m the kind of person that will write lists upon lists of goals for myself. When reading Laura’s blog, I found it challenging to pick just one word, but before finishing her post, a word popped into my mind instantly. Passion.

I have always seen passion as an amazing characteristic, something people are drawn to...that spreads like a wildfire.

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”– Oprah Winfrey

I’ve seen what passion does to people, it makes them uniquely excited about a certain thing and it’s impossible to hide. Passion shapes our lives, and when you find someone else that shares the same passions as you, you fit together like a puzzle. Recently I had to memorize a speech from one of Shakespeare’s plays in English class, and I found myself complaining to my brother. He asked me what the difference is between memorizing Shakespeare and memorizing biblical scripture, and I replied, “Because God’s word is what I’m passionate about”. He told me that that makes all the difference. People sometimes say that they ‘wish they could find their passion’, but passion comes when you’re being your authentic self and embracing your heart’s true desires. I feel very fortunate, being a high school student and having so much passion towards what I was created to do. I thank God regularly that I am able to live out my passions every single day. By doing so I feel joy, excitement, and anticipation for what God has in store.

We are so far from perfect, we face trails, heartache and pain, but take a second to praise God that He gave us passion. He blesses us with the opportunity (though sometimes it’s hard) to live every day for Him. God gives us passion in our hearts, and we need to share them with the people around us. That’s what I’m inspired to do


Wow, Julia. So beautiful! And wise beyond your years (she's in grade 10 people!!!) Thank you for sharing your heart and your passion!!! Love you :)

Previous one words- Amy | Sarah | Tiffany | Danae | Nadia | Micaela | Kristy | Me


Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Mine consisted mainly of homework and running and a few good coffee dates squeezed in, ptL.


Happy Monday!







How those three words changed everything. 

I can't imagine how the disciples and those who loved Jesus felt for those two long dark days following the crucifixion.









Everything was lost.

Dreams were shattered.

Hope seemed to have slipped away right through their fingers.

The candle was snuffed out.

or so it seemed...

Darkness fell. His friends scattered, hope seemed lost - But heaven just started counting to three.

-Bob Goff

Very early on that Sunday morning oh so many years ago, some women went to the tomb to anoint Jesus' body in spices that they had prepared. But they arrived at an empty tomb. The stone had been rolled away. And then they were greeted with the greatest news that was ever spoken...

"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; HE HAS RISEN!"

-Luke 24:5-6


Our Lord had done it. Death had no sting. Death had no power. Love had won. Christ had overcome.

Love - 1  | Death- 0





Majestic, the album, on iTunes: Kari on Facebook: Kari on Twitter: Kari on Instagram: Kari on YouTube: Kari's website: Music video by Kari Jobe performing Forever. (C) 2014 KAJE, LLC. under exclusive license to Sparrow Records




When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. 

|   Romans 5:6-8 NLT   |

I just wanted to send some Good Friday love to all of you. Good Friday represents the biggest sacrifice ever made to mankind. God loves us so much that he sent his one and only son, Jesus to come to earth and sacrifice his own life so that we may have life and life to the fullest. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, or what you do. God loves you. 


✝ = ♥





Today's one word comes from my friend Kristy. Kristy and I have been friends for a number of years. We've been on many adventures together including seeing JT live!! Kristy has a beautiful voice (figuratively and literally)...take it away girl...


I first heard of the “one word” a few years ago with Laura at an amazing women’s conference called “She Loves”. I came away thinking that it was a cool thought but never put much more into it.

However, for some reason this year it's been jumping at me to consider. 

So since Laura’s first post about her “one word brunch,” (which, if you know those ladies, you know it was most definitely as good as it looked in the pictures), I have been seriously giving it some thought and prayer about what my one word would be.

The past couple of years have been ruled by health struggles and more specifically this year, emotional struggles. Through most of it, I took on a “survivor mentality”... not letting anything get me down or stop me from participating or continuing on with life...“eliminating the interruption”. Looking back, I should have allowed myself to be content with the need to rest but I let fears of being forgotten, or left out or missing out get in the way of that much needed rest.

This past fall everything was too much to hold and I broke. I fell into a season of depression, something I never thought I would suffer from. It is not something that is easily understood, and not something that is easily ‘fixed’. And I learned it can take a toll on a lot of things, especially friendships.

It's definitely been a process but I can honestly say, with a smile and giving full credit to God, that I am much further ahead emotionally than I was even a couple of months ago. 


SO — that being said, when considering my one word I thought for sure it was going to be “Joy” or “Hope”. But the word that God gave me was “FEAR”. I know, not too positive but it was followed with “TRUST”.  The word is about facing it, and in turn trust God in the result of facing it.

Once I realized what my one word was, God challenged me on this ‘word’. I had to make a decision to not take part in something this summer that I was really looking forward to, a summer worship school at Bethel Church.

Through conversation, and prayer with leaders, I decided with all that's going on in focusing on getting well etc, that it wasn’t the best timing. AND I also realized that I didn’t have fear in saying yes to the go BUT I was so fearful of saying yes to His no. Fear of what it meant for me in not going, where would leave me in our ministry here at home, as a bunch of my friends from team are heading down, and also fear of missing out in time spent away with friends.

SO— I knew that I had to say no. I had to face those fears, and trust God that he has something for me in my continuous journey of healing.

Ever since realizing that this was my word, I have been challenged in facing other fears. It amazes me how much fear is connected to a lot of other things, like not feeling good enough, and diminishing my capabilities and gifts.

Lately God has been challenging me to write. One way of facing it is with this submission to S.S. Heart. So here I am, facing a fear.


Fear (trust)

“Do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows” - Matt 10:31

"The fear of man brings a snare, but trusting in the Lord will keep you safe." -Proverbs 29:25


Thank you Laura for creating a place for vulnerability and for beautiful hearts to open up.

Thank you Kristy for being vulnerable and sharing your one word!!! xoxo

Check out the past one words ---> Amy  |  Danae  |  Nadia  |  Sarah  | Micaela  | Tiffany  | Laura

If you'd like to submit your one word for 2014 email me at


Happy Monday friends!!

